Set in an alternate universe, the ancient capital of Kamakura is a vibrant town where fantastical creatures live alongside humans. Akiko is a cheerful publishing assistant who moves into town after marrying Masakazu, a popular mystery writer. Akiko is surprised by the unusual town but enjoys the new curiosities surrounding her. However, just as she was beginning to settle in, a trifling incident sweeps her spirit to the underworld too soon. Convinced that destiny has something else in store for his wife, Masakazu journeys into the underworld to bring back Akiko’s spirit.
Lighting Director
Takashi Aoyama tem muito trabalho a fazer e se esforça mentalmente demais. Ele desmaia e cai em uma estação de trem. Quando ele está prestes a ser atropelado por um trem, ele é salvo por Yamamoto. Após seu encontro com Yamamoto, Takashi recupera sua personalidade brilhante e obtém melhores resultados no trabalho. Um dia, Takashi vê Yamamoto entrando em um ônibus para o cemitério com uma expressão séria.
Lighting Artist
Tomo (Rinka Kakihara), de apenas 11 anos, é abandonada pela mãe e passa a viver com o tio, Makio (Kenta Kiritani), e sua namorada, Rinko (Toma Ikuta). Inicialmente com pensamentos confusos após descobrir que Rinko é uma mulher transexual, Tomo vai aos poucos descobrindo o verdadeiro sentido de família.
In 1944, the American military lands on the shores of Saipan. Refusing to commit suicide with his superiors or be forced into camps for prisoners of war, Captain Oba Sakae leads a group of his men and other similarly minded local residents into the mountains. Even after hearing reports of the Japanese military's surrender, Oba dismisses the reports as propaganda and continues to launch guerilla attacks against the American soldiers, earning him the nickname "The Fox". Soon, even the American commander who's charged with the task of capturing Oba comes to admire his persistent enemy.
Lighting Technician
The movie revolves around Mitsuba, who studies traditional art of rakugo. Rakugo is a form of comical story telling, sometimes referred to as sit-down comedy. Even though Mitsuba is mediocre at best, he ends up teaching three students.
Lighting Technician
In the chaotic days of the 1960s, Misuzu, a lonely high school girl from a troubled family, finds sanctuary with her nihilistic brother, Ryo, and his friends. They pass their days hanging around a shadowy jazz cafe bar, indulging themselves in a life of sex, drugs and alcohol.
Lighting Camera
During a quest to find a Taiwanese father's grave, disturbing memories of child abuse are aroused.