Henry Rehorek


I've Never Been to New York
Production Manager
In the life of TV presenter Lisa, everything revolves around her talk show, celebrities and the ratings. There is just as little room for love as there is for her mother Maria. When the 66-year-old loses her memory after a fall in her apartment and wakes up in the hospital, she can only remember that she has never been to New York and sets off immediately. Lisa goes in search of Maria with her makeup artist Fred. She struck gold on a cruise ship that was just leaving for New York. As stowaways, the three have no choice but to earn the passage. While Fred is hired as an assistant by the Greek on-board magician Costa, Lisa and Maria have to work in room service. The crossing soon takes surprising turns for mother and daughter: Maria falls in love with the charming dancer Otto, who supposedly knows her from before, and Lisa takes a liking to the widowed statistician Axel Staudach, who is traveling with his son Florian.
O Físico
Production Manager
A história se passa na Idade Média e mostra a história de Rob Cole (Payne), um médico que busca explicações científicas para doenças em um mundo dominado pela religião. Kingsley interpretará Ibn Sina, o "médico dos médicos" e Skarsgard será o Barbeiro, mentor do protagonista.
Morte Negra
Production Manager
O filme se passa na Idade Média numa Inglaterra devastada pela peste negra. A história seguirá a busca de um cavaleiro que atravessa as terras profanas para encontrar o necromante responsável por uma maldição. Sean Bean (O Senhor dos Anéis) é o corajoso Ulrich, cavaleiro que recebe a ajuda do monge Osmund (Eddie Redmayne, Pecados Inocentes) para chegar a um pântano onde vive a misteriosa Langiva (Carice van Houten, Operação Valquíria) que é uma feiticeira que fez pacto com o Diabo e tem o poder de ressuscitar os mortos.