Pablo Lopes


Sound Editor
Mangue Beat, a musical and aesthetic movement which emerged in Pernambuco in the 1990s, transformed the visibility of the peripheries and cultural manifestations of the metropolitan area of Recife and placed the state on the map of the world music market with the launching of bands like Chico Science and Nação Zumbi and Mundo Livre S.A. The film experiments with the freedomn of thought of the Mangue using a plural language, which brings togther ideias and ideals, refleting the daring which resulted in the great symbol of the movement: a satellite dish planted in the mud of the estuaries - the Mangue.
Sound Mixer
Mangue Beat, a musical and aesthetic movement which emerged in Pernambuco in the 1990s, transformed the visibility of the peripheries and cultural manifestations of the metropolitan area of Recife and placed the state on the map of the world music market with the launching of bands like Chico Science and Nação Zumbi and Mundo Livre S.A. The film experiments with the freedomn of thought of the Mangue using a plural language, which brings togther ideias and ideals, refleting the daring which resulted in the great symbol of the movement: a satellite dish planted in the mud of the estuaries - the Mangue.
Sound Editor
Cellphones have become an extension of the human being. They store memories, commitments and secrets. Some might say that the energy swap with said object goes beyond our material plane of existence.
Loja de Répteis
Sound Mix Technician
Aluisio loves the shop and his animals. Cristina can’t wait to sell the place.
Sound Mix Technician
Seven adolescents take on the mission of filming, for one week, their family's housemaids and hand over the footage to the director to make a film. The images that confront us uncover the complex relationship that exists between housemaids and their employers, a relationship that confuses intimacy and power in the workplace and provides us with an insight into the echoes of a colonial past that linger in contemporary Brazil.
Amarelo Manga
Music Editor
No subúrbio de Recife, Lígia (Leona Cavalli) acorda já mal humorada, pois terá de suportar mais um dia servindo fregueses, que às vezes a bolinam no bar onde trabalha. Quando o dia terminar, só lhe restará voltar ao seu pequeno quarto, em um anexo do bar, e dormir para suportar a mesma coisa no dia seguinte. Paralelamente Kika (Dira Paes), que é muito religiosa, está freqüentando um culto enquanto seu marido, Wellington (Chico Diaz), um cortador de carne, decanta as virtudes da sua mulher enquanto usa uma machadinha para fazer seu serviço. Neste instante no Hotel Texas, que também fica na periferia da cidade, Dunga (Matheus Nachtergaele), um gay que é apaixonado por Wellington, varre o chão antes de começar a fazer a comida. Na verdade ele é a pessoa mais polivalente no Texas, pois faz de tudo um pouco. Um hóspede do Hotel Texas, Isaac (Jonas Bloch), sente um grande prazer em atirar em cadáveres, que lhe são fornecidos por Rabecão, um funcionário do I.M.L.