Tells the story of Kim, Bas and Michael. Four underprivileged teens living in a disadvantaged neighborhood. They have to deal with aggression, emotional abuse or neglect by their parents on a daily basis. When they meet a new classmate: Daniël, from what seems to be a prosperous family, they take their chance to escape their downtrodden lives. Together with Daniël they decide to conduct his own kidnapping in order to get ransom money from his own father.
Tells the story of Kim, Bas and Michael. Four underprivileged teens living in a disadvantaged neighborhood. They have to deal with aggression, emotional abuse or neglect by their parents on a daily basis. When they meet a new classmate: Daniël, from what seems to be a prosperous family, they take their chance to escape their downtrodden lives. Together with Daniël they decide to conduct his own kidnapping in order to get ransom money from his own father.
Prima Mary
No Missouri de 1850, Tom Sawyer é um menino que vive com a Tia Polly, e seu meio irmão Sid. Tom faz todas as estrepolias que se espera de uma criança e até se apaixona por Betty Thatcher, que acabou de chegar à cidade. Depois, junto com Huck Finn, filho do vagabundo Pap Finn, ele testemunha Injun Joe matar o Doutor Robinson no cemitério. Com medo de Injun Joe, os dois fogem para uma ilha, mas retornam quando são dados como mortos. Quando tem início o julgamento pelo assassinato do doutor, em que o réu é Muff Potter, eles incriminam Injun Joe. Em seguida, Tom resolve fazer um piquenique com Betty nas famosas Cavernas McDougal, onde são perseguidos por Injun Joe, que fugira da corte...