Mary Quince
The Dark Angel is a sensual and stylish adaptation of Uncle Silas - Sheridan le Fanu’s influential Victorian literary masterpiece. Sheltered heiress Maud Ruthyn's troubles begin when her father hires a new governess. Madame De La Rougierre (played with considerable relish by Jane Lapotaire) is a cruel, brandy-swigging schemer with an unhealthy interest in Maud's inheritance and an approach to childcare that would make Mary Poppins faint. When Maud's father dies she has no choice but to live with her wicked uncle Silas, who will inherit the family fortune if Maud should happen to die. This is not a recipe for domestic bliss and soon it seems that everyone but Maud is either bad, mad, or both.
Baseado no caso da vida real do assassino em série britânico John Christie, e o que aconteceu com seus vizinhos Tim e Beryl Evans. Londres, 1949. John Christie é um homem modesto, de meia-idade que, junto com sua esposa Ethel, vive no apartamento térreo no 10 Rillington Place. Seu comportamento mascara o fato de ser um assassino em série. Seu modus operandi é agir como uma pessoa com algum conhecimento médico, atraindo mulheres inocentes para seu apartamento para cura-los de alguma doença, deixa-los inconscientes com o gás monóxido de carbono, se satisfazer sexualmente com o corpo inconsciente, e em seguida estrangular a vítima e descartar o corpo em algum lugar. e 16.
Mrs. Brangwen
Growing up in the sheltered confines of a 1920's English coal-mining community, free-spirited sisters Gudrun and Ursula explore erotic love with a wealthy playboy and a philosophical educator, with cataclysmic results for all four.
Watson's Guest
A lawyer's agonizing journey to the breaking point of his private and professional lives as he becomes more and more alienated from everyone connected with him.