In a dystopian world, a bounty hunter sets out to capture a ruthless band of outlaws who have kidnapped an important father and daughter through a world of multiverses. Unbeknownst to the Outlaws and the Bounty Hunter is that another, more powerful man known only as The Finisher has plans of his own.
Skye Rivers
When a Native American casino controlled by the mob begins to destroy a close-knit rural town, a band of lovable low-tech misfits hatch a plan to beat them at their own game by pulling off an audacious casino heist.
Quando um laboratório ultrassecreto é invadido de forma inesperada, milhares de dinossauros furiosos são soltos em Los Angeles! A unidade de black-ops se mobiliza para conter as criaturas antes que eles causem o caos em toda a cidade. Após sua fuga, estes carnívoros ferozes estão além da contenção.
Eight college friends gather at a remote cabin for an annual weekend of drinking and fun. When a blood-covered teenage girl crashes their party, she unwittingly brings something with her, that transforms every door of the cabin from an exit to an entrance of terror. With no place to go and nowhere to hide, paranoia flares as they wait for certain death that may take everyone of them before the morning comes.