Valérie Abita


The Enigmatic Charlotte Rampling
Screen icon Charlotte Rampling has fascinated the world of cinema, fashion and photography with her mysterious and almost inaccessible beauty. A major figure in genre and auteur films, she is unclassifiable: between presence and absence, shyness and audacity, she's always hypnotic, magnetic and fascinating. From her film debut in the mid-1960s in England, to her unconventional career path, through the tragic loss suicide of her older sister that will irremediably mark her acting, this film is a dive into the existential quest of a complex actress, whose every facet is discovered through her roles. Through a conversation with the actress herself, along with personal archives and extracts from her films, this documentary raws a dazzling portrait of her life and career.
Becoming Al Pacino
Between the South Bronx and (New) Hollywood, a portrait of Al Pacino, passionate about theatre and mythical actor of The Godfather and Scarface, who has never stopped battling with his demons.
Prehistoric Worlds
Five times, Earth has faced apocalyptic events that swept nearly all life from the face of the planet. What did these prehistoric creatures look like? What catastrophes caused their disappearance? And how did our distant ancestors survive and give rise to the world we know today?
Peter Falk versus Columbo
For many, he is above all the fluffy and at the same time ingenious investigator who transfers the powerful to their luxury villas in a crumpled trench coat. But Peter Falk not only embodied Inspector Columbo, but also worked as an actor with directors such as Frank Capra, Sydney Pollack and Blake Edwards. And of course with his friend John Cassavetes, for whom he played alongside Cassavete's wife Gena Rowlands in the independent film "A Woman Under Influence" from 1975. The documentary gets to the bottom of the great success of the TV series character - and the legendary actor who embodied him.
Hyperconnectés : le cerveau en surcharge
Les Secrets du Colisée
GAME OVER, le règne des jeux vidéo
Die Pharaonin und das Goldland - Hatschepsuts Reise nach Punt