Graeme Duane
Graeme Duane is a director and producer, known for Croc Labyrinth (2011), Cheetah: The Price of Speed (2010) and Gannets: The Wrong Side of the Run (2010).
Executive Producer
Ryan Johnson, biólogo marinho, filma uma baleia jubarte sendo atacada e afogada por um grande tubarão-branco. Para compreender o que viveu, Ryan segue jubartes durante a migração.
Quando a noite cai, o céu ganha vida, uma vibração de asas que, para alguns, é coisa de pesadelos. Um em cada quatro mamíferos no planeta é um morcego, mas o medo que essas criaturas despertam é muitas vezes descabido.
Executive Producer
On the harsh and unforgiving plains of central Namibia, Africa, a young honey badger named Grit has just left home to venture out in the great, wide world, but it won't be easy. Fewer than half of all young honey badgers survive their first few weeks on their own, as they deal with intense heat, starvation, and round-the-clock threats from the many predators of the savannah.
Executive Producer
A caving expedition recently discovered a community of dwarf crocodiles living in the Abanda Caves, Gabon. The crocs are living in pitch darkness, hunt bats and some have bright-orange skin. Part of the original team returns to find out more about this bizarre phenomenon. It's mission impossible to access the crocs world and there's no way of knowing what they might find.
A caving expedition recently discovered a community of dwarf crocodiles living in the Abanda Caves, Gabon. The crocs are living in pitch darkness, hunt bats and some have bright-orange skin. Part of the original team returns to find out more about this bizarre phenomenon. It's mission impossible to access the crocs world and there's no way of knowing what they might find.
Quando chove, chove muito em Nxai Pan, no norte de Botsuana. Planícies exuberantes espalhadas com vastos rebanhos de antílopes se estendem até o horizonte fazem do lugar um verdadeiro paraíso. Mas, Nxai Pan é um lugar de duras contradições, pois quando a temporada de chuva acaba, o rio seca, deixando para trás apenas um solo quebradiço e seco como o deserto, e o calor devastador retorna.
Ela tem seis metros de comprimento. Ela não tem mãos, nem braços, nem pernas, mas ela pode esmagar um homem até a morte em 15 minutos. Ela é uma píton-africana e é a rainha das constritoras - cobras que ficam à espreita para sobreviver.
There is an island where dragons still roam. A Jurassic type underworld where ancient warlords still rule. Where they fight for supremacy...where they fight to survive. Komodo Island - deep in the remote basin of the Pacific Ocean - its an ancient Kingdom of fire and brimstone. Here, a string of 452 volcanoes erupt from the ocean bed, its known as "The Ring of Fire" and it's the perfect habitat for dragons. Komodo Dragons! The largest living lizard on the planet with 34 million years of survival in his DNA. Its no surprise that he's still known as a dragon, he has the presence of an ancient gladiator. He's armored in claws and scales, but instead of spitting fire, he spits deadly venom.
Eles são considerados nojentos e causam repulsa, mas os insetos são mais importantes para a natureza do que as pessoas imaginam. Conheça melhor o mundo dessas criaturas fantásticas e habilidosas.
This film uncovers a hidden world ruled by hairy eight-legged monsters known as the Arachnids - the largest group of carnivorous creatures on earth. High speed cameras and detailed macro photography reveal a variety of deadly hunting tactics used by this sinister network of freaks.
Camera Operator
The Amazon is one of the wildest and least explored parts of the planet. Encompassing 6 countries and 2 million square miles of forest, river and floodplain, it has the highest diversity of life on the planet, but what lies below it is truly shocking. In its deep muddy rivers, clear streams and expansive floodplains a freak-show of fish life has exploded, with some of the strangest shapes and weirdest adaptations on Earth. Hiding in the vast rivers and streams is an electric grid, a bizarre community of fish with a highly sophisticated electric sixth sense. Using electricity, these "Super" fish can communicate wirelessly, control each other remotely and emit shocks that can stop a human heart. This cryptic world has mystified scientists throughout the ages. Now an intrepid scientist, Will Crampton ventures back into the dark jungles where the inspiration for our technology driven world first emerged, in an attempt to unravel their secrets and unlock the electric code.
Coelacanth (SEEL-uh-kanth): a large fish with limblike fins, armored scales and a tail that no other living fish possesses. This prehistoric fish was thought to have died out with the dinosaurs in the great extinction. It has laid hidden deep in our oceans undisturbed and undetected for 70 million yearsa true living fossil. The coelacanth is thought to be related to the creatures that grew legs, breathed air and came ashore nearly 400 million years ago.
Venha conhecer a vida secreta do ratel conforme ele aprende a enfrentar as selvas da África sozinho. Junte-se ao ratel numa caçada por ratos, cobras e escorpiões, e vê-lo batalhar com um porco-espinho para a posse de sua toca. Os rateis são famosos por serem os animais mais destemidos na África, e neste documentário seguimos seu rito de passagem para se tornar o lutador das savanas.
Venha conhecer a vida secreta do ratel conforme ele aprende a enfrentar as selvas da África sozinho. Junte-se ao ratel numa caçada por ratos, cobras e escorpiões, e vê-lo batalhar com um porco-espinho para a posse de sua toca. Os rateis são famosos por serem os animais mais destemidos na África, e neste documentário seguimos seu rito de passagem para se tornar o lutador das savanas.
Venom expert Dr. Bryan Fry embarks on a dangerous island journey to uncover the deadly secrets of vipers, stonefish and the formidable Komodo dragon.
Venom expert Dr. Bryan Fry embarks on a dangerous island journey to uncover the deadly secrets of vipers, stonefish and the formidable Komodo dragon.
Man-eating sharks seemingly flock to South Africa's Second Beach. This remote coastline was once considered a surfer's best-kept secret, but now its regarded as Earth's most dangerous beach. Here, sharks don't simply attack; they kill. Gruesome attacks have claimed six lives in five years. Something has triggered bizarrely aggressive behavior in these predators, and biologist Matt Dicken is on a quest to find out why. Join him as he confronts the killers in their own domain.
Man-eating sharks seemingly flock to South Africa's Second Beach. This remote coastline was once considered a surfer's best-kept secret, but now its regarded as Earth's most dangerous beach. Here, sharks don't simply attack; they kill. Gruesome attacks have claimed six lives in five years. Something has triggered bizarrely aggressive behavior in these predators, and biologist Matt Dicken is on a quest to find out why. Join him as he confronts the killers in their own domain.
Man-eating sharks seemingly flock to South Africa's Second Beach. This remote coastline was once considered a surfer's best-kept secret, but now its regarded as Earth's most dangerous beach. Here, sharks don't simply attack; they kill. Gruesome attacks have claimed six lives in five years. Something has triggered bizarrely aggressive behavior in these predators, and biologist Matt Dicken is on a quest to find out why. Join him as he confronts the killers in their own domain.
A cada dois anos, tubarões-touro nadam ao longo da costa da África do Sul para reprodução.
After years of extreme drought, the Boteti river in Botswana has finally returned in all its glory. This film documents the extraordinary shift in the ecosystem and the dramatic changes it brings to the resident animals.
After years of extreme drought, the Boteti river in Botswana has finally returned in all its glory. This film documents the extraordinary shift in the ecosystem and the dramatic changes it brings to the resident animals.
After years of extreme drought, the Boteti river in Botswana has finally returned in all its glory. This film documents the extraordinary shift in the ecosystem and the dramatic changes it brings to the resident animals.
In this traditional blue-chip documentary we show a dramatic comparison between two environments fed by the same stock of sardine, and dominated by the Cape gannets.
In this traditional blue-chip documentary we show a dramatic comparison between two environments fed by the same stock of sardine, and dominated by the Cape gannets.
In this traditional blue-chip documentary we show a dramatic comparison between two environments fed by the same stock of sardine, and dominated by the Cape gannets.