Mike Draghi


Sound Re-Recording Mixer
50 estranhos acordam e se veem presos numa misteriosa e enorme câmara, sem nenhuma lembrança de como chegaram lá. Organizados em um grande círculo e incapaz de se moverem, eles rapidamente descobrem que a cada dois minutos um deles deve morrer, executado por um estranho aparelho no centro da sala. A princípio, os ataques parecem aleatórios, mas logo os estranhos perceber que, como um grupo, têm o poder de decidir quem será o próximo a ser morto. Mas como eles escolhem quem merece morrer? E o que acontecerá quando restar apenas uma pessoa?
Supervising Sound Editor
A hard-boiled tale following Gumshoe, a private eye hot on the trail of his missing partner. In this world of femme fatales and hired goons, the truth lies beneath.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A hard-boiled tale following Gumshoe, a private eye hot on the trail of his missing partner. In this world of femme fatales and hired goons, the truth lies beneath.
Thor: O Filho de Asgard
Supervising Sound Editor
Antes de Thor usar seu poderoso martelo, ele lidera uma missão para encontrar a mística Espada Perdida de Surtur. Junto com ele estão seu irmão Loki, feiticeiro promissor, e os lendários Três Guerreiros.
Thor: O Filho de Asgard
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Antes de Thor usar seu poderoso martelo, ele lidera uma missão para encontrar a mística Espada Perdida de Surtur. Junto com ele estão seu irmão Loki, feiticeiro promissor, e os lendários Três Guerreiros.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Aaron, um aluno brilhante, porém introvertido, chega a uma das melhores universidades dos Estados Unidos para participar do programa de engenharia. Lá, conhece Linda, uma estudante de mais de trinta anos que acabara de retomar seus estudos, que o incentiva a seguir seus sonhos. Aaron se apaixona por ela, mas o relacionamento não prospera, porque, dentre outras complicações, a filha de Linda, Beth, fica apaixonada por ele.
Planeta Hulk
Supervising Sound Editor
Ele era um monstro, impossível de controlar, demasiado perigoso para ser ignorado. Assim, os heróis mais poderosos da Terra o exilaram no espaço. Mas agora O Incrível Hulk está em Sakaar, um planeta distante, governado pelo tirano Rei Vermelho. Vendido como escravo, Hulk se torna o mais poderoso gladiador do planeta, mas seus novos donos recebem mais do que esperava quando ele forja um vínculo de fraternidade com outros lutadores. Ao contrário da Terra, as pessoas desesperadas de Sakaar acreditam que Hulk é tudo o que eles precisam.
Planeta Hulk
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Ele era um monstro, impossível de controlar, demasiado perigoso para ser ignorado. Assim, os heróis mais poderosos da Terra o exilaram no espaço. Mas agora O Incrível Hulk está em Sakaar, um planeta distante, governado pelo tirano Rei Vermelho. Vendido como escravo, Hulk se torna o mais poderoso gladiador do planeta, mas seus novos donos recebem mais do que esperava quando ele forja um vínculo de fraternidade com outros lutadores. Ao contrário da Terra, as pessoas desesperadas de Sakaar acreditam que Hulk é tudo o que eles precisam.
Some Assembly Required
Supervising Sound Editor
Over 2000 kids. 400 teams nationwide. Eight months of brainstorming, designing and building. One goal: to create the next great toy.
O Anti-Cristo
Supervising Sound Editor
A jovem Mary Elizabeth (Alison Brie) vai para a cama e acorda na manhã seguinte misteriosamente grávida. O susto não se dá apenas por conta do rápido desenvolvimento do bebê, mas sim por que o que ela carrega em sua barriga é um feto demoníaco. Ele consegue manipular os instintos de Elizabeth e faz com que a garota de 12 anos sinta um desejo ardente de matar. Quando a “criança” nasce, a Terra vira um verdadeiro inferno de canas horripilantes e monstruosas. Enquanto isso, outros personagens sombrios surgem no caminho de Mary dando um tom aterrorizante à história.
O Anti-Cristo
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A jovem Mary Elizabeth (Alison Brie) vai para a cama e acorda na manhã seguinte misteriosamente grávida. O susto não se dá apenas por conta do rápido desenvolvimento do bebê, mas sim por que o que ela carrega em sua barriga é um feto demoníaco. Ele consegue manipular os instintos de Elizabeth e faz com que a garota de 12 anos sinta um desejo ardente de matar. Quando a “criança” nasce, a Terra vira um verdadeiro inferno de canas horripilantes e monstruosas. Enquanto isso, outros personagens sombrios surgem no caminho de Mary dando um tom aterrorizante à história.
Os Supremos 2: Descubra o Poder da Pantera
Supervising Sound Editor
Uma poderosa força alienígena está prestes a invadir a Terra. Ela está em busca de algo escondido na nação secreta de Wakanda, governada pelo príncipe T´Challa (Jeffrey D. Sams), também conhecido como Pantera Negra. Decidido a combater sua nação, ele pede a ajuda dos Supremos, um grupo formado por sete dos maiores super-heróis do planeta: Capitão América (Justin Gross), Hulk (Fred Tatasciore), Vespa (Grey DeLisle), Homem de Ferro (Marc Worden), Viúva Negra (Olivia d´Abo), Thor (David Boat) e Gigante (Nolan North).
Os Supremos 2: Descubra o Poder da Pantera
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Uma poderosa força alienígena está prestes a invadir a Terra. Ela está em busca de algo escondido na nação secreta de Wakanda, governada pelo príncipe T´Challa (Jeffrey D. Sams), também conhecido como Pantera Negra. Decidido a combater sua nação, ele pede a ajuda dos Supremos, um grupo formado por sete dos maiores super-heróis do planeta: Capitão América (Justin Gross), Hulk (Fred Tatasciore), Vespa (Grey DeLisle), Homem de Ferro (Marc Worden), Viúva Negra (Olivia d´Abo), Thor (David Boat) e Gigante (Nolan North).
Os Supremos: O Filme
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
O mundo está em crise. Antigos inimigos estão prestes a atacar. Um poderoso time é recrutado e o maior herói do planeta é chamado para liderar o time: Capitão América. Infelizmente, ele ficou congelado por mais de sessenta anos depois de um acidente durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Inspirada na HQ de sucesso da Marvel "Os Supremos", esta é a extraordinária história de seis heróis que terão de superar suas diferenças e lutar juntos para salvar o mundo. Mas eles não poderiam imaginar que a maior ameaça surgiria de dentro do próprio grupo: o Incrível Hulk!
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A young woman who lives in a desert trailer park must choose between caring for her hapless father and sick friend or fulfilling her own destiny.
Sarah Silverman: Jesus Is Magic
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sarah Silverman appears before an audience in Los Angeles with several sketches, taped outside the theater, intercut into the stand-up performance. Themes include race, sex, and religion. Her comic persona is a self-centered hipster, brash and clueless about her political incorrectness. A handful of musical numbers punctuate the performance.
It Came From the Sky
Supervising Sound Editor
Jarvis and Pepper crash land their small plane on the roof of the Bridges family. Pepper finds herself having a positive effect on the households' autistic son Andy.
It Came From the Sky
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Jarvis and Pepper crash land their small plane on the roof of the Bridges family. Pepper finds herself having a positive effect on the households' autistic son Andy.
Dangerous Waters
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A single mom and her boyfriend, along with her young son and teenage daughter, go whitewater rafting where they find themselves menaced by a pair of escaped convicts searching for stolen money.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
In this offbeat thriller, Ann is a young woman trying to put her life back together after she lost her child in a car wreck. Formerly a single mother, Ann has recently started dating a man named Tom, and one day Tom asks Ann for a favor -- would she be willing to baby sit for his boss' daughter? Ann agrees, and she soon finds herself becoming quite fond of the little girl. However, before long, Ann discovers Tom has something less than honest up his sleeve
Morte Anunciada
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The only thing James wants is to remain away from Scotland. One day, however, he receives a fax, a printout of an unknown person's obituary. The next day, he is charged and arrested for the murder of this person.
Morte Anunciada
Supervising Sound Editor
The only thing James wants is to remain away from Scotland. One day, however, he receives a fax, a printout of an unknown person's obituary. The next day, he is charged and arrested for the murder of this person.
Glam - Roteiro de uma Obsessão
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sonny é um singular escritor que não fala, já que não gosta muito de falar. Viajando para a casa de um primo, ele descobre um mundo de sexo, drogas e violência que pode acabar sendo o roteiro de sua grande obra.
Jack Frost
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Jack Frost é um perigoso assassino que morre após um acidente de estrada em que ele se choca com um caminhão carregando material genético. Seu corpo se mistura com a neve e ele se transforma num terrível mostro de neve, com dentes afiados e desejo de matar.
Striking Resemblance
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
In this erotic mystery, an incredibly handsome photographer and his beautiful supermodel are on the roof of the photographer's building having sex, where an intruder murders them. The police assign Detective, Jessica Brody, to the case, but when she becomes sexually involved with the prime suspect, the photographer's identical twin brother, she risks becoming another victim in a series of murders.
Striking Resemblance
Supervising Sound Editor
In this erotic mystery, an incredibly handsome photographer and his beautiful supermodel are on the roof of the photographer's building having sex, where an intruder murders them. The police assign Detective, Jessica Brody, to the case, but when she becomes sexually involved with the prime suspect, the photographer's identical twin brother, she risks becoming another victim in a series of murders.
Midnight Blue
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Shortly before he moves from New York to Los Angeles a banker visits his Atlanta branch. One evening he is propositioned, by a high-class call girl. Their night of passion leaves him besotted, but he is unable to find her again even with the help of a private investigator. In L.A. he is introduced to his boss's wife and is sure she is his lady of the night. But she insists she isn't.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A woman tormented by an abusive, sadistic husband desperately tries to find her way out of her predicament. She discovers that she may have found the solution in her cooking class, she finds out that one of the men in her class is even more of a sadistic psycho than her husband, and she hatches a plan to get him to kill her husband.
The Price of Kissing
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Pauley Perrette plays Renee, a young woman discovering her own meaning of love. From childhood memories of her mother to her own experiences as a young woman, she struggles to find answers to life's greatest mystery. From a recommendation of a friend, she becomes the doorman at a local club. There she meets several friends who help her on her journey of discovery. Who will be there when it rains?
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The story of Michael Moore, Shot, Hooker, Joey, and Dennis. Five gangsters who work for a man named Leo. They soon discover they could get more out of life if they could run the streets themselves. Tensions build and loyalty is tested as they plan a hit that could change all of their lives forever.
Um Verão Para Amar
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Mesmo contra a vontade de seu pai, rapaz tímido decide fazer de tudo para conquistar sua linda vizinha.
Where Truth Lies
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Driven to drink by his wife's death, a tormented doctor is committed to an experimental rehab.
Where Truth Lies
Supervising Sound Editor
Driven to drink by his wife's death, a tormented doctor is committed to an experimental rehab.
Nemesis 4: Death Angel
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Alex shoots again. She has to kill a man, but shoots the wrong one. A high ransom is set on her, so she is visited by some head hunters. Well, she only could sit and wait and hope for a friend's help.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
No futuro de 2017, num campo de quarentena para refugiados situado em Boston, um assassino escapa do hospital contaminado com um vírus perigoso e altamente letal. Ele se refugia num prédio em ruínas, onde será perseguido por quatro policiais que não fazem ideia do risco que enfrentam.
Sede de Vingança
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Janna tem sua casa arrombada e não consegue salvar a vida de sua irmã e seu sobrinho. Ela recebe um forte golpe na cabeça - a despeito de sua habilidade em artes marciais. Tomada pela irresistível sede de vingança, ela penetra na noite para fazer justiça com as próprias mãos.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Karen --a beautiful, ambitious, ruthless, senior executive-- is determined to take over this merger at any cost.
Supervising Sound Editor
Karen --a beautiful, ambitious, ruthless, senior executive-- is determined to take over this merger at any cost.
Alien Abduction: Intimate Secrets
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Three beautiful women find themselves unwilling subjects of an alien scientist's experiments.
Nemesis 3: Time Lapse
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Using footage left over from Nemesis 2 and a very thin story line sees Alex again fighting the cyborg mercenaries in 1998 East Africa. This time, Alex finds that she has 20 half sisters who are waiting for her to return to 2077. Central Command wants Alex captured alive and scanned to see if her DNA is a strong and more powerful strain than the normal. But Alex may be too tough for Farnsworth to capture.
Playing Dangerous 2
Supervising Sound Editor
Kid genius Stewart Wolfe has headed off to college and has landed a position replacing a programmer in a lab on some suspicious code. Things turn deadly and Stewart has to use his wiles and previous experience to survive, save the code and bring down the bad guys!
Damien's Seed
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A detective is hired by a rich woman to find her runaway step-sister. Little does he know that the step-sister is actually being held by a cult of women who seek to propagate their male cult-leader of 30 years ago by capturing his son, and the detective's client is in on the deal.
Damien's Seed
Supervising Sound Editor
A detective is hired by a rich woman to find her runaway step-sister. Little does he know that the step-sister is actually being held by a cult of women who seek to propagate their male cult-leader of 30 years ago by capturing his son, and the detective's client is in on the deal.
Access Denied
Supervising Sound Editor
A beautiful computer programmer is framed by her fraudulent lover and sent to prison. When she gets out she agrees to cooperate with a scheme of a fellow-inmate to defraud a bank, in order to have enough money to escape from her (by then) ex-lover.
Demon in the Bottle
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Four teenagers find a lost treasure buried by a 18th century pirate on a desert island. But they accidentally release the monster who lives inside a bottle, keeping the treasure.
Soldier Boyz
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
O veterano Howard Toliver trabalha em uma prisão para jovens delinquentes extremamente perigosos. Recrutado para resgatar uma jovem rica que está em cativeiro no Vietnã, ele monta um grupo composto pelos detentos mais violentos, muitos deles inimigos entre si. Depois de enfrentar a selva, o grupo chega ao forte do brutal Vinh Moc, que mantém a refém escondida. O jovens trabalharão em equipe ou serão vencidos pela rivalidade?
Hard Time
Supervising Sound Editor
A revenge movie about a thief, Michael (John Bradley) who escapes from prison to take a vengeance on the partner, Kelly (Christopher Mayer) who double-crossed and sent him to prison.
Club V.R.
Supervising Sound Editor
The Century club VR club virtual reality in Los Angeles. When there is a brutal murder, a beautiful female-investigator begins the investigation. However, she soon realizes that the case might interfere with her sexual fantasies.
Jane Street
Supervising Sound Editor
Life for the young and beautiful Kim becomes unbearable. Her boss, Marshall, helped to find her apartment... where the previous tenant was killed. Kim begins to suspect Marshall may be the murderer.
Supervising Sound Editor
A struggling actress contemplates becoming a nude centerfold hoping that it will jump-start her career, but begins to have second thoughts when she meets some of the people who run the business.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Baxter and Travis are two guys hired to protect a millionaire's daughter from bad guys.
Indecent Behavior III
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A sex therapist finds herself forced to cooperate with the police in tracking down a killer who has been targeting other sex therapists by using her as a decoy.
Indecent Behavior III
Supervising Sound Editor
A sex therapist finds herself forced to cooperate with the police in tracking down a killer who has been targeting other sex therapists by using her as a decoy.
Huntress: Spirit of the Night
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Tara returns to her ancestral estate only to have her clothes explode off her body and a white light enter her chest. Afterwards she’s tormented by strange desires and dreams of running through the woods. Her cave-dwelling boyfriend is no help to her. Meanwhile, false friends plot to steal her inheritance and a determined hunter seeks to slay the new werewolf in town.
Garotas na Ilha
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Xena, Luna, e Sola deixam Malibu rumo ao espaço, mas retornam à Terra quando Xena perde o controle da nave, caindo acidentalmente nas areias de uma ilha deserta. Depois de serem ameaçadas por dinossauros e se encontrarem com alguns garanhões primatas, um deles tem um plano sinistro com fins lucrativos para as bebês do espaço.
Herança Maldita
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
John Reilly e Susan viajam com a filha para a Itália, onde ficarão hospedados num castelo herdado pela família. Quando começam a aparecer corpos mutilados pelos corredores do castelo, John descobre que uma terrível criatura habita o interior da construção e ele terá que lutar para salvar a vida da esposa e da filha.
Who Killed Buddy Blue?
Supervising Sound Editor
Detectives Munro and Sanders are assigned to investigate the murder of an adult film star named Buddy Blue. The hunk was actually killed during the shooting of an orgy scene.
Blonde Heaven
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A coven of vampires operates out of a modeling/escort agency known as Blonde Heaven. Angie came from Oklahoma to find her way into the movie business, but is followed by her boyfriend Kyle. Head vamp Illyana takes a liking to Angie and convinces her to do escort work for the agency, but has other recruiting plans for her as well. While the vampires do their sleazy work around LA (and Angie gets in over her head), Kyle and a vampire hunter team up to try and stop the fiends.
Pumpkinhead: O Retorno
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Estranhos assassinatos aterrorizam a cidade de Ferren Woods. O xerife local investiga e descobre que o responsável é o espírito de criatura assassinada no local há anos, que busca vingança. Continuação de 'A Vingança do Diabo'.
Cover Me
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
Nemesis 2: Nebula
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
It has been 73 years since Alex failed and the Humans lost the Cyborg Wars. Since then, the Humans have been enslaved. Scientists have developed a new DNA strain, which could signal the end of the Cyborgs, and they inject it into a volunteer. When the Cyborgs learn of the woman and the baby they list both for termination.
Prehysteria! 3
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The dinosaurs help young Ella and her family save their mini-putt business.
A Sangue Frio
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
O jovem Cosmo (Jason Priestley) faz pequenos serviços para a máfia. É um trabalho sem muita importância, até que os chefões decidem promovê-lo com seu mais novo assassino profissional. Para ensinar a "arte" do negócio, Cosmo conta com a ajuda do esperto e perigoso Steve e acaba se transformando em um profissional de primeira linha. Para complicar sua promissora carreira, Cosmo se apaixona pela bela Jasmine. Agora, ele precisa decidir entre o bem e o mal, e só há uma maneira.
A Sedução do Mal: Os Diários de Nosferatu
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Seduzida em seus sonhos por um vampiro, que precisa de seu sangue virgem para sobreviver, jovem estudante precisa da ajuda de seu namorado, para não sucumbir.
Pet Shop
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Disguised aliens set up a pet shop in a dusty Arizona town, hoping to lure local children with their adorable extraterrestrial critters.
A Demolidora
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A murdered police officer is brought back to life by a cold-hearted scientist to serve as "The Demolitionist", the ultimate crime-fighting weapon in a city overrun by criminals and internal corruption
Shadow Warriors
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
It began as an experiment. The ultimate bodyguard - half man, half machine - programmed to do anything. Anything! Global Cybernetics, Inc. is making technological history. They can create a bio-mechanical, plasma-driven, Techno-Sapien - the best security system money can buy. But building one requires a human corpse. And when GCI's bodyguard, Taylor is mysteriously gunned down, he becomes the company's 7.4 million dollar prototype, the "TS-4."
Sketch Artist II: Hands That See
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Police sketch artist Jack Whitfield helps blind rape victim Emmy describe her attacker – a serial rapist and murderer who is now out to get her.
Supervising Sound Editor
Karin brings a statue home from her travels to Asia and it soon begins to have a strange effect on her. She has an insatiable sexual appetite and develops strange fetishes such as pain and death. Soon, she gets out of control and only her boyfriend Matt has the power in his love to exorcise the demon spirits from Karin's body.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Karin brings a statue home from her travels to Asia and it soon begins to have a strange effect on her. She has an insatiable sexual appetite and develops strange fetishes such as pain and death. Soon, she gets out of control and only her boyfriend Matt has the power in his love to exorcise the demon spirits from Karin's body.
Gentleman's Bet
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Betrayal turns deadly for two men trying to seduce each other's wife. A simple bet keeps you guessing until the last sensual encounter. But how do you pay off a bet when your wife's the collateral?
Armadilha do Prazer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Natalie é uma linda e séria mulher e extremamente dedicada ao trabalho. Tanta dedicação é motivo de uma enorme desilusão quando Natalie é requerida a uma promoção na empresa que trabalha. Neste meio tempo, ela encontra Denise, uma amiga que a apresenta a um mundo exótico e misterioso de dançarinas da noite. Ela vê aquilo com uma forma de ganhar dinheiro, mas não percebe que acabou de tomar uma nova direção… um caminho cheio de sensualidade erotismo e ação, ela está sozinha nesta dança e não consegue ver a face do perigo.
Armadilha do Prazer
Supervising Sound Editor
Natalie é uma linda e séria mulher e extremamente dedicada ao trabalho. Tanta dedicação é motivo de uma enorme desilusão quando Natalie é requerida a uma promoção na empresa que trabalha. Neste meio tempo, ela encontra Denise, uma amiga que a apresenta a um mundo exótico e misterioso de dançarinas da noite. Ela vê aquilo com uma forma de ganhar dinheiro, mas não percebe que acabou de tomar uma nova direção… um caminho cheio de sensualidade erotismo e ação, ela está sozinha nesta dança e não consegue ver a face do perigo.
Call Girl
Supervising Sound Editor
When erotic photographer Diandra Jensen has her first big exhibition, art collector Arthur Benton buys one of Diandras pictures. He is complimentary of her work, but thinks her career has only begun. He points her in a new exciting direction.
Call Girl
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
When erotic photographer Diandra Jensen has her first big exhibition, art collector Arthur Benton buys one of Diandras pictures. He is complimentary of her work, but thinks her career has only begun. He points her in a new exciting direction.
Indecent Behavior II
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Reporter Shoshona Reed is about to expose a number of people who have a lot to lose. Unfortunately, her cunning ways of getting stories by blackmailing people gets her killed...
Indecent Behavior II
Supervising Sound Editor
Reporter Shoshona Reed is about to expose a number of people who have a lot to lose. Unfortunately, her cunning ways of getting stories by blackmailing people gets her killed...
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A young boy finds a crate of green beans. When they're planted, they grow a beanstalk to the clouds, where a castle of giants are habited.
Prehysteria! 2
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A rich boy desperate for attention makes friends with the dinosaurs of "Prehysteria!". Prehysteria! 2
Trancers V - A Volta Pra Casa
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Policial do ano 2353, ainda perdido em outro mundo, precisa encontrar uma poderosa pedra para retornar ao seu planeta. Para isso, terá que enfrentar um homem poderoso, detentor da preciosa jóia.
Um Suspeito na Noite
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Quando sua namorada é brutalmente assassinada, um detetive secreto descobre que ele é o principal suspeito.
Câmera Oculta
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Cinegrafista amadora é esnobada por seu ídolo na profissão. Ao descobrir que ele faz bico plantando câmeras para espionar casais, ela resolve impressioná-lo realizando um trabalho quase impossível, e acaba gravando imagens que põem sua vida em risco.
Bonecos em Guerra: O Capítulo Final
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Nesta quinta parte da série, o jovem cientista Rick Myers e os sobreviventes do filme anterior lutam contra demônios vindos de uma dimensão paralela, ajudados pelos bonecos assassinos, agora bonzinhos, e pelo espírito do "mestre dos brinquedos" Toulon.
Fuga Pela Sedução
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Num futuro no qual as relações sexuais são proibidas, homens e mulheres viajam para o passado em busca de prazer. Um robô é encarregado de perseguir os dissidentes e exterminá-los.
Lurking Fear
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The storm-swept and depopulated town of Leffert’s Corners has been terrorized for decades by grotesque creatures that breed in the depths beneath the local cemetery. A group of townspeople have hatched a last-ditch plan to destroy the ghoul-infested graveyard, but their mission is interrupted by the arrival of a band of violent thieves intent on retrieving money hidden in one of the graves.
Plughead Rewired: Circuitry Man II
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
In the backdrop of Earths polluted future a female FBI agent removes Danner, a pleasure android from an asylum in order to coerce him into helping her hunt down the criminal psychopath Plughead. But Plughead who has tangled with Danner before has his own plans as he is forcing a female scientist to help him manufacture life extending longevity chips which he intends to sell to rich and powerful clients.
Streets of Rage
Supervising Sound Editor
Melody Sails is an investigative reporter on Hollywood's juvenile delenquincy, and runs across Lunar, the crimelord. With the help of a 12-year old street-kid, she will get to him, but will she down him in the climactic fight to the death, or die trying?
Paixão Perigosa
Sound Designer
Escritor começa a perder noção da realidade quando é acometido por pesadelo recorrente no qual sua noiva é assassinada. Só lhe resta tentar entender o que se passa.
Deep Down
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A young musician with a talent for all things electrical spies on his sexy neighbor with a penchant for skinny dipping in the pool in broad daylight and her obviously violent husband. He is so violent that in the opening sequence he murders a man for talking with his mouth full of food. As the soft-core sex film advances, she gets involved sexually with the much younger man, all the while luring him into a trap involving the murder of her husband.
O Anjo da Morte
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Policial de Chicago vai até a Polônia em busca do assassino de seu irmão mais novo, também policial. Ele descobre uma rede de tráfico de órgãos humanos liderado pelo vilão Hauer, que faz parte da Máfia Russa.
Beach Babes from Beyond
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
An intergalactic babe borrows her dad's T-bird ship to do a little planet hopping with her two friends, but they run out of fuel unexpectedly, and must land on earth. They land on the California coast and run into some guys, where they have fun and a few close encounters at the beach. One of the guys' Uncle Bud, who just wants to meditate and hang out, is being threatened with condemnation of his beach house unless he puts some money into repairs. The alien babes offer to enter the bikini contest with their way-out designs to try and win the money he needs, but they are hampered by the garment designer who will stop at nothing to win.
Blue Flame
Supervising Sound Editor
Fleming, a futuristic cop, saw his daughter kidnapped by Flame and Rain, two aliens that were born out of his own dreams. Much later, the two aliens are kept in cryosleep; but Flemming's daughter is not dead, just a prisoner inside Flame's mind.
Blue Flame
Sound Designer
Fleming, a futuristic cop, saw his daughter kidnapped by Flame and Rain, two aliens that were born out of his own dreams. Much later, the two aliens are kept in cryosleep; but Flemming's daughter is not dead, just a prisoner inside Flame's mind.
Beyond Fear
Sound Editor
A martial arts expert turned wilderness guide has to defend her tour group against two killers out to retrieve an incriminating videotape.
Psycho Cop 2: O Retorno Maldito
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Tudo está preparado para uma grande festa de despedida de solteiro num edifício de escritórios: as bebidas e drogas já foram compradas, os amigos foram convidados e as strippers estão prontas para tirar a roupa. Só que os rapazes em busca de diversão não contavam com um penetra: o policial psicopata Joe Vickers, que volta em busca de novas vítimas.
Psycho Cop 2: O Retorno Maldito
Sound Designer
Tudo está preparado para uma grande festa de despedida de solteiro num edifício de escritórios: as bebidas e drogas já foram compradas, os amigos foram convidados e as strippers estão prontas para tirar a roupa. Só que os rapazes em busca de diversão não contavam com um penetra: o policial psicopata Joe Vickers, que volta em busca de novas vítimas.
Indecent Behavior
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Rebecca Mathis is a sex therapist. One of her patients is found dead. At first it is presumed he died of a heart attack...
Indecent Behavior
Supervising Sound Editor
Rebecca Mathis is a sex therapist. One of her patients is found dead. At first it is presumed he died of a heart attack...
Supervising Sound Editor
A young man loses his leg in a motorcycle accident. While rehabilitating, he takes up cycling. He becomes determined to become the first one-legged person to cycle across the U.S. The movie follows him from his initial rehab through the completion of his historic ride in Boston, detailing all the ups and downs in between.
Love Is Like That
Supervising Sound Editor
A loving couple struggle to fend for themselves in modern day Los Angeles, One a loner and down and out, the other a lonely but hardworking secretary. Eventually, as cracks form in their passionate relationship, they resort to robbing an aging actress for money.
Sound Supervisor
A man who is immortal can bring his wife back from the dead temporarily by killing young women. But his latest would-be victim may be a problem.
Anatomia de Um Assassino
Supervising Sound Editor
Após a um acidente, homem recebe novo braço em transplante. O sucesso da operação, porém, esconde um estranho fato: o novo membro tem uma vontade assassina própria, e só a descoberta de quem foi o doador pode desvendar seu mistério. Baseado em novela de P. Boileau e T. Narcejac..
Black Magic Woman
Supervising Sound Editor
The owner of a suburban art gallery searches for someone to perform an exorcism after a witch casts a spell on him.
Black Magic Woman
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The owner of a suburban art gallery searches for someone to perform an exorcism after a witch casts a spell on him.
Time Barbarians
Sound Editor
A warrior king has swordfights with ugly savages that crouch around the forest and snarl a lot. An evil bad guy, bent on doing evil things, kills his wife and flees to modern day Los Angeles. The warrior chases after him to avenge his wife's death.
Witchcraft II: The Temptress
Witch from the first Witchcraft movie stalks the now teenage child. She attempts to kill his friends in order to slowly corrupt him to Satan. However the boy is able to defeat the evil Satanic witch, and not enter into Evil with her
Ain't No Way Back
Supervising Sound Editor
Two men on weekend outing assist country lass in trouble but find themselves in a stew. One is killed, one severely injured who recovers at the Campbell cabin. He learns the simplicity of country living and falls in love with daughter. She explains, mysteriously, that although she cares, this cannot be; the feud is coming', as it always does. Only after his own death, during the feud, does he realize that the Campbell and McDonald clans have been 50 years dead! He has, however, broken the cycle of the ongoing feud and now all, him included, may rest in peace.
Princess Warrior
Sound Editor
Sisters from the planet Vulkaria teleport themselves to Earth to investigate and report back in order to prove to their mother, the planet's ruler, that they are worth of becoming Queen.