Aubrey Scott / Aldones
A young art gallery owner, Tess Reardon, is looking for new talent to spark life into her failing business. Haunted by nightmares, she discovers that an artist she dreamt about, Aubrey Scott, actually exists, and she seeks him out. The eccentric painter agrees to a showing of his art, but only if Tess will model for his new work. She grudgingly agrees and begins to regress into a past life from a parallel world, and that everything is not at all as it seems.
FBI Waiter #2
Em plenos anos 70, o tráfico de drogas cresce e se espalha cada vez mais rumo aos quatro cantos do planeta. Nos Estados Unidos o elo principal é George Jung, que logo se torna o principal importador de cocaína do Cartel de Medelin, comandado por Pablo Escobar. Durante duas décadas, Jung foi um dos principais alvos do combate às drogas do governo americano e era quem fazia a conexão entre os EUA e a Colômbia.