Carl Harbaugh

Nascimento : 1886-11-10, Washington, District of Columbia, USA

Morte : 1960-02-26


Nas Garras da Ambição
Salesman (uncredited)
Two brothers discharged from the Confederate Army join a businessman for a cattle drive from Texas to Montana where they run into raiding Jayhawkers, angry Sioux, rough terrain and bad weather.
Região do Ódio
Sourdough (uncredited)
Em 1896, Jeff Webster (James Stewart) vê o início da corrida do ouro de Klondike como uma oportunidade para consguir uma fortuna no ramo do gado. Ele leva um rebanho de gado do Wyoming para Seattle, e depois para Skagway. Lá, ele e seu parceiro Ben Tatum (Walter Brennan) vendem o gado e passam a trabalhar com o ouro. Os problemas vão começar, pois duas mulheres começam a disputar o seu coração e várias pessoas ambiciosas estão de olho no seu dinheiro, e de tudo farão para roubá-lo.
Fúria Sanguinária
Foreman (uncredited)
Um criminoso psicopata com um complexo-mãe (Complexo de Édipo) faz uma fuga ousada da prisão e depois lidera a sua antiga quadrilha num assalto à folha de pagamento de uma fábrica de produtos químicos. Após o assalto, os eventos tomam um rumo louco.
Colorado Territory
In Colorado territory, outlaw Wes McQueen escapes jail to pull a railroad robbery but, upon meeting pretty settler Julie Ann, he wonders about going straight. Western remake of High Sierra with Joel McCrea taking over the Humphrey Bogart role.
Sangue, Suor e Lágrimas
During World War II, an insubordinate fighter pilot finds the shoe on the other foot when he's promoted.
Sua Única Saída
Bartender (uncredited)
Um menino assombrado por pesadelos sobre a noite em que toda a sua família foi assassinada é criado por uma família vizinha na década de 1880. Ele se apaixona por sua adorável irmã adotiva, mas seu desagradável irmão adotivo e tio misterioso o querem morto. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Salty O'Rourke
Waiter (uncredited)
A gambler and his buddy find a wise-guy jockey for their long-shot horse.
Radio Operator (uncredited)
Canadian Mountie Steve Wagner captures a German Luftwaffe officer on a spy mission, who later escapes from the prison camp. To catch the spy ring, the Mounties employ a ruse so that the spies, believing Steve to be sympathetic, enlist him in their plans.
Background to Danger
An American gets caught up in wartime action in Turkey.
Gentleman Jim
Smith (uncredited)
As bare-knuckled boxing enters the modern era, brash extrovert Jim Corbett uses new rules and dazzlingly innovative footwork to rise to the top of the boxing world.
O Intrépido General Custer
Sergeant (uncredited)
The story follows General George Armstrong Custer's adventures from his West Point days to his death. He defies orders during the Civil War, trains the 7th Cavalry, appeases Chief Crazy Horse and later engages in bloody battle with the Sioux nation.
Aquela Mulher!
Noisy Nash (uncredited)
Hank McHenry and Johnny Marshall work as power company linesmen. Hank is injured in an accident and subsequently promoted to foreman of the gang. Tensions start to show in the road crew as rivalry between Hank and Johnny increases.
The Great Mr. Nobody
A publicity man promotes his newspaper, but finds his boss always steals the credit.
Dentro da Noite
Mechanic (uncredited)
Joe Fabrini (George Raft) e Paul Fabrini (Humphrey Bogart) são dois irmãos motoristas de caminhão que levam uma acidentada e explorada vida como caminhoneiros. Joe sonha com o dia em que terão seu próprio negócio. Eles acabam sendo demitidos do serviço de um patrão corrupto. Um acidente com Paul mudará os sonhos dessa dupla, e para tentar manter um emprego, Joe se vê envolvido em uma trama de crime com a mal-intencionada Lana Carlsen (Ida Lupino), mulher de seu patrão.
Tear Gas Squad
A brash night club singer becomes a cop to impress a woman.
Espiã Fascinadora
German Soldier
During WWI pretty German master spy Helene von Lorbeer is sent undercover to London to live with the family of a high-placed British official where she is to rendezvous with the butler Valdar, also a spy, and help him transmit secret war plans back to Germany.
Heróis Esquecidos
Street-Cleaner (uncredited)
After World War I, Armistice Lloyd Hart goes back to practice law, former saloon keeper George Hally turns to bootlegging, and out-of-work Eddie Bartlett becomes a cab driver. Eddie builds a fleet of cabs through delivery of bootleg liquor and hires Lloyd as his lawyer. George becomes Eddie's partner and the rackets flourish until love and rivalry interfere.
Prison Farm
Shirley Ross plays an innocent young girl convicted for complicity in a crime committed by her boy friend (Lloyd Nolan). The male crook is sentence to six months on a prison farm populated by both men and women (segregated, of course). Ross is also incarcerated, suffering the cruelties of the sadistic male and female guards (including J. Carroll Naish and future "Ma Kettle" Marjorie Main!)
Artistas e Modelos
King (uncredited)
Mac Brewster (Benny) é o chefe de uma empresa de publicidade que está em dívida. O contrato de um milhão de dólares da Townsend Silver poderia salvar a empresa, mas o rico playboy Alan Townsend (Arlen) quer um amador da alta sociedade em vez de um modelo profissional para se tornar "a garota da cidade". Incomodada por ter sido superada como profissional, a top model de Brewster (Lupino) vai para Miami com planos de entrar em Townsend e passar como debutante da sociedade.
A Sereia do Alaska
A San Francisco singer flees Chinatown on murder charges and poses as a missionary in Alaska.
Elysia, Valley of the Nude
James Mack, a reporter for the International News Bureau, is assigned by his editor to do a story on the phenomenon of nudist colonies.
Sugar Plum Papa
Wealthy Andy marries a young girl, who has an ulterior motive.
Scotch is a 1930 comedy short.
Matchmaking Mamma
This marriage is the second for both Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius McNitt. He is panty-whipped by his social climbing second wife. She has recruited Clifford Figfield to stage and direct a charity pageant, which is more a means for her to hobnob with the social elite, and to nab Larry Lodge, the pageant's leading man, as a husband for her flighty daughter Phyllis, the pageant's leading lady. Larry ends up only having eyes for Sally McNitt, Mr. McNitt's visiting daughter, and she, in turn has eyes for him.
The Rodeo
Scenario Writer
The film begins with a family at home having a meal. The biggest laugh involved some candles being substituted for asparagus and the hilarity that resulted when the people and dog at them. Later, the decide to go to the rodeo but 1001 problems occur on the way there in the car.
The Campus Vamp
Love triangle in a campus with a blonde girl that really seems to not consider the "other" girl as an obstacle. Who will make it? And actually who cares when parties, sport games and lots of fun are available?
Marinheiro de Encomenda
O capitão William Canfield e o John James King são adversários na luta pelo controle do transporte de passageiros em River Junction. A acirrada disputa entre os barcos de William e de John tem um agravante com a chegada de William Canfield Jr., filho do capitão: depois de começar a trabalhar com o pai ele se apaixona por Marion King, filha do rival.
Amores de Estudante
Crew Coach
Brilhante nos estudos, mas não tão bem-sucedido nos esportes, Ronald (Buster Keaton) encerra o ano escolar como primeiro da classe. Já na universidade, ele causará muitas confusões tentando transformar-se em atleta para não perder a namorada (Anne Cornwall) para seu rival.
Amores de Estudante
Brilhante nos estudos, mas não tão bem-sucedido nos esportes, Ronald (Buster Keaton) encerra o ano escolar como primeiro da classe. Já na universidade, ele causará muitas confusões tentando transformar-se em atleta para não perder a namorada (Anne Cornwall) para seu rival.
Cured in the Excitement
Cured in the Excitement is a 1927 Comedy short film.
A Dozen Socks
A poor sap tries to impress his girl by fighting the great boxing champion Jack Dempsey.
Flirty Four-Flushers
With her winnings from an essay contest, a waitress gets dolled up and goes to a swanky resort to snag a millionaire husband.
Wise Guys Prefer Brunettes
The crotchety dean of Pinkham University blames the "bad behavior of the school's female students on a dress shop owned by Helene, and informs her he's shutting her shop down. Meanwhile, her boyfriend Napoleon has invented a plaster that restores youth. The dean accidentally sits on the plaster and reverts back to his younger days when he himself used to chase college girls. Complications ensue.
Merry Widower
Julius loses his wife to Rudy because he's too busy going on hunting trips. But when she arranges to meet with a fortune teller, Julius hatches a plan to win her back.
Along Came Auntie
A divorced couple try to pretend they are still happily married in order to get $100,000 from the woman's divorce-disapproving aunt.
Thundering Fleas
The kids from Our Gang have to attend a wedding, and they bring along their flea collection--which gets loose.
Say It with Babies
Casper is the baby-expert at a large department store and his life is less than peaceful as he provides much amusement for the babies at his own expense. On Sunday, he and his wife go on a picnic with the neighbors and hoe comes home on his day of rest with three traffic tickets and numerous stings from the hornets he failed to amuse.
Wife Tamers
Mr. Barry has a huge argument with his wife, and to make her jealous, he asks his valet to set him up with a pretty girl who is stranded in their neighborhood. He takes her out to dinner, but to his disgust he discovers that she lacks even one ounce of class and her table manners are frightening. Soon enough, Barrymore is reunited with his wife.
Madame Mystery
A female secret agent has gotten ahold of a new type of explosive gas. She has to avoid the efforts of two men who are trying to steal it. They succeed in doing so, but the gas turns out to be not quite what they expected.
Wandering Papas
A cook for bridge constructors is told to collect food for dinner-Ritz style trout, Palmer house rabbit and a 15cm frosted cake. He sets off into the wide open spaces to collect the food, coming into contact with a mad hermit, who hates anybody seeing his daughter, before returning to cook dinner
Moonlight and Noses
Two burglars break into the home of an eccentric doctor. The doctor catches them, but offers to let them go free -- and give them a thousand dollars -- if they go to a cemetery and bring back the body of a man who he believes died of "water on the brain."
Yes, Yes, Nanette
Nanette sends a letter to her family telling of her new husband, Hillory. When Hillory arrives to meet the family, he gets insulted by each member, including the dog, and loses his wig. After having dinner with the family, Nanette's former lover returns, and Hillory must confront him
Air Tight
Bobby Vernon out camping.
Mademoiselle Midnight
Renée (Mae Murray) is the heiress of a Mexican ranch, granddaughter of a woman known for her recklessness and frivolity at night. This first "Mademoiselle Midnight" is banished in the opening scene by Napoleon III at Empress Eugenie's insistence to Mexico. Renee is kept locked at the hacienda at night by her father to prevent her following in her grandmother's wayward footsteps. She falls in love with a visiting American (Monte Blue) but is also pursued by the craven outlaw Manuel Corrales. Miss Murray gets to do some of her trademark dancing, but this one isn't a comedy, despite comic relief provided by Johnny Arthur.
The Silent Command
A distinguished young Naval officer from a celebrated military falls prey to a terrorist and his seductress accomplice bent on destroying the Panama Canal.
Lost and Found on a South Sea Island
Faulke, a swindling white trader who persuaded Madge to leave Captain Blackbird, insists that her daughter, Lorna, marry Waki, a native leader, although Lorna loves Lloyd Warren. While in search of a doll for his other daughter, Baby Madge, Captain Blackbird comes to Pago Pago and gruffly refuses to aid Lloyd and Lorna, whom he does not recognize. A chance encounter with Faulke, however, reveals the trader's evil doings and Lorna's identity. The captain and his men rush to the island and rescue Lorna from the warring natives.
The queen of a mythical European nation flees to America when a general threatens to overthrow her government.
Big Town Ideas
A woman and her dog defend an innocent man.
The Other Man's Wife
Marriages Are Made
Cyrus Baird is trying to force his daughter to marry Ethelbert Granger, wealthy but effeminate. She meets and falls in love with James Morton, nephew of Baird's pet enemy. Ethelbert takes the Bairds to cruise in the houseboat of Max Rupholdt, who has a mine layer concealed in the innocent looking craft. Morton, suspected of disloyalty, penetrates Max's secret and rescues the girl just before the fleeing spy meets extermination through one of his own mines.
Jack Spurlock, Prodigal
George Walsh plays the "prodigal" hero in this fast-moving star vehicle from the Fox factory. An incurable cut-up, Jack Spurlock throws a college campus in an uproar when he shows up the first day of classes with his pet bear. Needless to say, Jack is immediately booted out of college, infuriating his big-businessman father (Dan Mason).
A Rich Man's Plaything
Marie Grandon may have seen more of the world than any nice girl ever would, but her motives remain pure. Marie labors in a New England oyster cannery and dreams of someday crushing the slumlords who prey upon the poor. While on a cruise, "Iron" Lloyd, a millionaire financier and tenement owner, decides to visit the town where Marie lives. Under the name Strange, he gets in a fight and is injured. While recuperating, he meets Marie and she tells him of her dream. Lloyd is intrigued by this and decides to test her. He has his lawyer transfer a huge sum of money to her and makes it look like she inherited it from a distant relative. Marie takes the money, goes to New York, and does exactly what she had planned. Her main target happens to be Lloyd. His business rival, Ogden Deneau, even aligns with her, pretending interest in her cause, but really wanting to ruin Lloyd. Marie, however, had dealings with Deneau a long time ago and plans to crush him too.
A Rich Man's Plaything
Marie Grandon may have seen more of the world than any nice girl ever would, but her motives remain pure. Marie labors in a New England oyster cannery and dreams of someday crushing the slumlords who prey upon the poor. While on a cruise, "Iron" Lloyd, a millionaire financier and tenement owner, decides to visit the town where Marie lives. Under the name Strange, he gets in a fight and is injured. While recuperating, he meets Marie and she tells him of her dream. Lloyd is intrigued by this and decides to test her. He has his lawyer transfer a huge sum of money to her and makes it look like she inherited it from a distant relative. Marie takes the money, goes to New York, and does exactly what she had planned. Her main target happens to be Lloyd. His business rival, Ogden Deneau, even aligns with her, pretending interest in her cause, but really wanting to ruin Lloyd. Marie, however, had dealings with Deneau a long time ago and plans to crush him too.
The Scarlet Letter
The film tells the story of a noble but poor woman who arrives at Boston in the 17th century. There she marries an old but quite rich doctor but does not become happy.
The Scarlet Letter
The film tells the story of a noble but poor woman who arrives at Boston in the 17th century. There she marries an old but quite rich doctor but does not become happy.
Arms and the Woman
Rozika is a Hungarian girl who can sing quite nice. She goes to the place known as the United States with her brother whose name happens to be Young Carl. Rozika marries a chap named Trevor and a predicament ensued after the Great War comes knocking at the door.
The Iron Woman
The Test
Big Jim Garrity
The Serpent
Prince Valanoff
Peasant girl Vania is assaulted by a duke who murders her lover and sends her away to London.
A cigana Carmen tenta conquistar o coração do policial Don José para que ele faça vista grossa aos crimes do clã da mulher, porém as coisas saem do controle quando Don José começa a ficar obsessivo e violento.
The Regeneration
At 10 years old, Owen becomes a ragged orphan when his mother dies. Abusive next-door neighbors the Conways take him in, and by 17, Owen has learned that might is right. At 25, he's a career gangster: loitering, gambling and drinking in dens of iniquity. Marie Deering arrives in Owen's area, eager to empower the impoverished, gang-affiliated youth through education. Owen slowly but surely leaves his old life behind, choosing the narrow path- all the while falling in love with Marie. Skinny, who's taken over Owen's role in the gang, reappears to him, spelling trouble.
The Regeneration
Ames, District Attorney
At 10 years old, Owen becomes a ragged orphan when his mother dies. Abusive next-door neighbors the Conways take him in, and by 17, Owen has learned that might is right. At 25, he's a career gangster: loitering, gambling and drinking in dens of iniquity. Marie Deering arrives in Owen's area, eager to empower the impoverished, gang-affiliated youth through education. Owen slowly but surely leaves his old life behind, choosing the narrow path- all the while falling in love with Marie. Skinny, who's taken over Owen's role in the gang, reappears to him, spelling trouble.