First Assistant Director
After a bad divorce life gets complicated for Linda. Her ex has found a beautiful model who gradually is more and more of a mother to Linda's 10-year-old daughter, as well as redoing their house. Even her best friend is now hers.
First Assistant Director
Noruega, 1942. Esther, uma jovem judia é separada de sua família durante a Segunda Guerra. Na fuga ela consegue se esconder em uma fazenda onde assume a identidade de um menino. O desafio diário de manter o segredo conduz a uma série de escolhas que mudam o caminho de todos ao seu redor.
First Assistant Director
21 died in the explosion in the kings bay-accident in Ny-Ålesund in Spitsbergen i 1962. The accident led to the fall of the Norwegian labor party government ruling since WW2. Was this really an accident, and was it under Norwegian control?
First Assistant Director
The dorkiest thing in the world, according to feminist poet Sigrid, is the movie cliche of the young woman who in the morning dons her male lover's shirt, looking adorably "indie cute". But when she begins a relationship with Kåre Tryvle, she has difficulties living up to her ideals. Meanwhile, pregnant performance artist Trine is planning to give birth in a cage, dressed up as Marie Antoinette, on camera, and factory worker Astrid is looking for the son she had adopted away.
Second Assistant Director
O arqueólogo Sigurd (Pal Sverre Hagen) não consegue decifrar o mito de Ragnarok, que conta a história sobre o fim do mundo na mitolgia do Norte. Ele decide, então, fazer uma expedição junto com dois amigos e seus filhos. Essa aventura os leva até Finmark, no norte da Noruega, numa “terra de ninguém”, onde a população nunca entrou em contato com a modernidade. Eles começam a desvendar os segredos das ruínas do local, e descobrem uma verdade muito mais surpreendente do que esperavam.