Jenny Cavallo

Jenny Cavallo

Nascimento : 1975-03-08, Santiago, Chile


Jenny Cavallo
Jenny Cavallo


S.O.S. Mamis: O Filme
A filha de Trini está triste porque sua melhor amiga está deixando a Saint Michael School, pois sua mãe não pode continuar pagando a escola. Trini promete à sua filha que isso não vai acontecer e decide montar um plano junto com as outras "mamis" do grupo para resolver o problema. Mas essa missão será muito mais difícil do que elas pensavam e terão que unir forças como grupo.
Apio Verde
Adriana finds out the son she's expecting suffers a brain malformation that won't allow him to live outside her womb. As therapeutic abortion is illegal in Chile, she must wait until her baby is naturally born.
Set in a fantasy world where humanoid-animals live in society. The protagonist of the story is a clumsy Turtle that is always victim of the smart Fox. When Cat appears, both fall at her feet and compete over her. Though, she will only mate with whoever manages to adapt to human habits. Turtle realizes that he may have an advantage if he feeds a mysterious creature with animal flesh.
Mitos y Leyendas: La nueva alianza
The Night Visitor
Kisser 1
Elisa, a lonely and shy librarian, moves to live in a downtown building, without knowing the killing of a young student took place there some time ago. A strange feeling taking over her will cause a drastic personality change while also leading her to unveil the secret behind the murder.
Production Assistant
Santos, a failed comic book artist, lives in a parallel universe where he's a superhero who has to save the world.
Salvador's Mother
Santos, a failed comic book artist, lives in a parallel universe where he's a superhero who has to save the world.
Os Descendentes
Forest Zombie
Uma menina de 10 anos acorda sozinha num cenário pós-apocalíptico. Ela vagueia pela Terra contaminada, procurando comida e sobreviventes. Aos poucos se apercebe que está testemunhando uma guerra violenta, onde as pessoas estão sendo sumariamente executadas, e os únicos sobreviventes são pessoas infectadas com um vírus misterioso e transformadas em zumbis.
Normal con alas
Pancha Illanes is the black sheep of her ladies' college, after the constant insistence of her boyfriend she accepts the proposal of selling marijuana at the college. What at first seems like an impossible mission, soon becomes an electrifying game
Radio Corazón
Tatiana (segment 'Cuento de hadas')
Radio Corazón recreates Chile's most successful radio show of all time. Composed of 3 fun, sexy and romantic short films based on true stories as told by the show's listeners to "Rumpy", an unparalleled radio host.
El brindis
In Chile, Mexican photographer Emilia falls in love with a rabbi and gets the news that her father is terminally ill.