Christian Springer


Land of Dreams
Simin is an Iranian woman on a journey to discover what it means to be a free American. She works for the Census Bureau which, in an effort to control its citizens, has begun a program to record their dreams. Unaware of this devious plot, Simin is torn between her compassion for those whose dreams she is recording and a truth she must find within.
Although he already has searched Iraq unsuccessfully for weapons of mass destruction as a member of a UN mission, German bio-weapons expert Arndt Wolf is still obsessed with the idea that Saddam Hussein is hiding something. Nobody around him is interested in this topic any more. This changes abruptly when an Iraqi asylum seeker claims to have been involved in the manufacture of chemical weapons. The German Federal Intelligence Service summons Dr. Wolf to ascertain the legitimacy of the claims made by the informant, who has been given the code name “Curveball”.
Os Falsários
Production Manager
Após ser preso e levado a um campo de concentração, Salomon Sorowitsch (Karl Markovics) concorda em ajudar os nazistas em uma operação de falsificação criada para financiar os esforços de guerra. Neste processo mais de 130 milhões de libras esterlinas foram impressas. Como o Reich sabia que o fim da guerra estava próximo, ordenou que fossem impressas notas na moeda dos inimigos da Alemanha. A intenção era que esta atitude minasse a economia dos países e, ao mesmo tempo, ajudasse os cofres alemães. Tratava-se da Operação Bernhard, que contou com a participação de prisioneiros de diversos campos de concentração.