Chan Ching-Wan


The Untold Story III
Unreleated to the celebrated pork-bun movies, this titled sequel returns to the roots of the original film: a true crime drama with satirical overtones. Inspector Lee (Danny Lee) and his team (including Monica Chan and Cheung Kwok-Keung) look into the mysterious disappearance of a seedy loan shark (Ken Lo), but find no real leads. Amazingly, the culprits fall into their laps. Four young men, led by Wong Wing-Man (Sam Lee) confess to the killing. Apparently, they were deep in debt, and found the murder of their friend to be the only way out. There is one problem, though: no physical evidence.
Ungrateful Tink
Brothers growing up together in the Sau Mau Ping ghetto finsd themselves involved in a web of revenge, misunderstandings, and betrayal when one of them becomes the witness to a drug deal.
Mayflower Sweetheart
Hong Kong movie