A heartfelt comedy drama about the parent/child relationship, the generation gap, the fear of rejection and the need for acceptance.
Feature-length film taking viewers on a journey aboard a Stanier Class 5 4-6-0 locomotive from the foothills of Ben Nevis down the West Highland route to meet the sea at the port of Mallaig. The programme is with train driver Ian Riley and train guard and manager Florence MacClean for the length of the route as the steam train winds its way past lochs, mountains and the world-famous Glenfinnan viaduct, all the while taking in the beautiful ancient vistas of indigenous ferns, heather and bracken. NOTE: There is some confusion with the title of this feature. It is listed on the bbc website as Britain's most scenic railway journey: minute by minute, but when you watch the titles it clearly says the World's most scenic railway journey: minute by minute. (It is not connected with the tv series of a similar name narrated Bill Nighy.)
Five friends return from a cocktail party to a cottage deep inside the English woods of the Peak District. Having brushed off the notion of urban legends as rubbish, never occurring in reality, our protagonist's slowly find themselves weaving through their very own horror story.
Costume Assistant
Chegou o fim da linha para Jason Bourne. Agora, ele está decidido que nada o deterá: nem as promessas vazias de seu chefe nem as mortes dos que perseguem incansavelmente. Com nada mais a perder, ele usará toda habilidade que lhe foi ensinada para ir atrás de seus criadores e acabar com tudo. Sua busca o levará de Moscou a Paris, Madri, Londres e Tanger, no Marrocos, enganando agentes federais e polícias locais numa busca desesperada para encontrar respostas às perguntas que o assombram. Acima de tudo, essa jornada de Bourne o levará ao lugar onde tudo começou e onde deve terminar: as ruas da cidade de Nova York.
Across the years, a mother watches her gladiator son fight, while she remembers his childhood: the last lighthouse keeper prepares for his final trip ashore: and an actor returns to the stage to play his part in a Greek myth.