Samuel Kwok Fung

Samuel Kwok Fung

Nascimento : 1951-10-27, Hong Kong, China


Samuel Kwok Fung


The Moon Thieves
Loi Bo Watch Company, Hong Kong's esteemed watch boutique, conceals a thrilling secret—it serves as the epicentre for stolen timepieces. Under the icy command of Uncle, a fearless crew assembles: an audacious thief, explosive specialist, lock-picking prodigy, and watch connoisseur. Their target? Tokyo, where they plan to heist three ultra-luxury watches.
Frente à Frente
Fok Siu-tong
Shan é um policial justo que é admirado pelos companheiros por ter resolvido muitos casos. Um dia, seu passado volta para assombrá-lo quando sua operação policial é atacada por um misterioso grupo de criminosos liderados por Ngo, seu ex-protegido. Ngo já foi um policial talentoso que admirava e respeitava Shan. No entanto, um terrível acidente o levou à prisão há três anos, transformando-o em um homem furioso, com o objetivo de matar todos que o prejudicaram – incluindo seu ex-mentor.
My Dad
A story about how the daughters deal with a dad with Dementia.
Z Storm 2
Police chief inspector
O investigador William Luk precisa unir forças com o detetive Lau Po-keung para derrubar uma organização criminosa envolvida em apostas esportivas.
Overheard 3
Uncle Nine
Law was a chauffeur for the rural tycoon Luk, and he was jailed for killing a major land owner in a car accident. It was rumored that Luk was behind the land owner’s death, which gave Luk a competitive edge in the native apartment development deal. When Law gets out of prison five years later, the world has changed. Luk’s corporation has grown more powerful, while Luk’s right-hand man Keung has his own agenda to pursue. But things take a surprising turn. With the help of Law’s prison mate and computer whiz Joe, Law drugs Sean and his brothers in the drinks, then modify their mobile phones for wiretapping, Joe gets acquainted with the materialistic single mom Eva, who turns out to have a dark history with both Law and Keung. Through the eavesdropping, Law realizes Keung’s ultimate plan, which may change Hong Kong’s land development forever.
Once a Gangster
Uncle Tsa
Roast Pork joins the triad as a young man and ends up becoming a trusted lieutenant of boss Kerosene. However, his true passion is in his successful chain of restaurants, his loving wife, and his two children. So when Kerosene wants to promote his trusted right hand man to the top of the organization as a way to take on his financial debts, it's understandable why Roast Pork would want to refuse. Roast Pork comes up with an intricate scheme with his men that would take himself out of the running, but Kerosene's intervention causes it to fail. When all hopes appears to be lost, lifelong gangster Sparrow is released from jail after serving a 20-year sentence for committing a gang-related murder that earned him a guarantee for the leader spot. However, Sparrow has made his own plans to stay out of the gang, setting off a battle of wits between the two men.
Fish Head
Como acontece a cada dois anos, é chegada a hora dos membros da Sociedade Wo Shing elegerem seu novo presidente. A rivalidade emerge entre os candidatos que disputam o cargo. Lok (Simon Yam) é o favorito para ganhar, mas seu rival Big D (Tony Leung Ka Fai) não medirá esforços para que isso mude, incluindo contrariar anos de tradição e influenciar o voto com dinheiro e violência.
Blue Lightning
Danny Lee is a retired cop investigating the murder of his wife, witnessed only by his son.
Hong Kong People in Shenzhen
Pituitary Hunter
Someone's on a pituitary gland binge. Pituitary glands first go missing from corpses and the criminal theft escalates to living people..
On Probation
Hong Kong drama from 1977
獅子山下 ‧ 元洲仔之歌
In the 1970s, the boat people of Un Chau Chai in Tai Po lived in wooden huts in extremely cramped and horrible conditions. "Ode To Un Chau Chai" tells the story of boatman Dai-Shing, a gambling addict whose wife works her fingers to the bone to support their large family and whose father helps out by selling dried seaweed.
A Mad World of Fools
A whacky 1974 comedy starring David Chiang who was also the director, that's one to see. Well it certainly is whacky, and the film is actually a number of short pieces, varying in length from a couple of minutes to the last story that is 30 minutes or so.