Location Manager
Em uma última tentativa de reunir sua família, Adélie viaja com a jovem filha Sarah para Wales, em busca do marido James. Mas os piores pesadelos desta mãe se tornam realidade quando, durante a viagem, a menina tragicamente cai nas águas do oceano e desaparece. Adéle então, começa a ser perseguida por visões e traços de Sarah, como se a garota estivesse presa em algum lugar da casa – e acaba descobrindo um local lendário chamado “Escuridão”, uma terra dos mortos etérea que é, na verdade uma imagem distorcida do mundo real. A lenda diz que os espíritos só podem voltar de lá se um sacrifício for feito – um dos vivos por um dos mortos. E Adéle está disposta a tudo para ter a filha de novo em seus braços.
Location Manager
Sex is currency. It commands power and can instill fear. Tom, a young man with a troubled past finds himself sucked into a seedy underworld by George Norris, a now super villain with a sadistic streak. A helpless pawn in one of Norris's narcotic scams with a bent cop, Dunston, Tom is dragged deeper into a vicious circle of blood money, vice and ruthless violence from which their seems no way out. Until fate gives Tom a glimmer of hope. When Norris is killed in his apartment, Tom seizes his chance to escape. Terrified and covered in Norris's blood, Tom heads downstairs to his neighbors, Max and Nikki his new friends in the city. With going to the police out of the question, Max and Nikki speed Tom to their desolate cottage deep in the Welsh countryside. With the luxury of space, Tom begins to realize a long-forgotten dream; a return to happier times before his innocence was shattered. Suppressed emotion flood back provoked by Tom's attraction to Nikki...
Location Manager
Harry Jenkins is a self-made business man, who one day receives a message that his only daughter has died in a car crash. Last time he saw his daughter was at his wife's funeral. When trying to deal with his daughter's affairs, he finds out he is a grandfather of a nine-year-old girl, named Saffron. Since he is her only relative, social services hands over Saffron to him. At first he tries to get rid of her, but he soon finds out that they share more than his daughter, Saffron's mother. They take a trip from Manchester to London, to find Saffron's estranged father, but they find so much more