A journey through the history of Argentine indebtedness that ended in default, and as a consequence a millionaire trial was developed in the courts of New York, an example of the wildest face of global capitalism.
The Royal Tour is a groundbreaking series of television specials, produced and hosted by Emmy Award-winning journalist and CBS News Travel Editor Peter Greenberg. Guided by some of the most dynamic and powerful heads of state, Peter journeys deep inside each country to offer viewers an all access pass to extraordinary locations, historic landmarks, and cultural experiences. In this latest edition, Peter received a royal tour from the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa. For an entire week, Mr. Correa became the ultimate guide, showcasing the visual gems that his country has to offer. They took four camera crews along as they swam with piranha in the Amazon rainforest, went whale watching off the coast of Manta, shopped like a local in a rural town in the Andes Mountains, returned to the President's hometown of Guayaquil and the school he attended, visited a cacao plantation (aka chocolate) farm in Cacao, and went diving with sharks in the Galápagos Islands.
O diretor Oliver Stone viaja por seis países da América do Sul e ainda Cuba, em uma tentativa de compreender o fenômeno que os levou a ter governos de esquerda na primeira década do século XXI. Através de conversas com Hugo Chávez (Venezuela), Cristina Kirchner (Argentina), Evo Morales (Bolívia), Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Brasil), Fernando Lugo (Paraguai), Rafael Correa (Equador) e Raul Castro (Cuba), é analisado o modo como a mídia acompanha cada governo e o maneira como lidam com os Estados Unidos e órgãos mundiais como o FMI.
This documentary is about the political persecution suffered by the leaders of the so-called Revolución Ciudadana when ex-president Rafael Correa Delgado left the government, which led to his exile in different parts of the world, including Mexico. This feature film recounts eight stories traversed by betrayal but also by the paths of the fight for utopia, justice, and the well-being of the people.