Zhi Qiao


Father for a Day
This is a drama about family stories. In the film, Meiyue played by Lv Xiaolin and Guanshan played by Song Ningfeng are a couple. They have not had children for many years after marriage. Meiyue, who is sensitive in heart, regards Guanshan as the only emotional dependence, and thus falls into a state of suffering.
O Violino Vermelho
Elderly Woman (Shanghai)
Em 1681 um artesão italiano, reconhecido pela qualidade dos violinos que construía, faz sua obra-prima para presentear o filho que estava prestes a nascer. Sua esposa acaba morrendo no parto, e inconformado, o artesão doa o instrumento para um orfanato. Mais de 300 anos depois várias pessoas estão num leilão disputando o instrumento, e o filme percorre então a sua história, desde a doação até o leilão.
The Legend of Lu-Ban
Lu Ban, the father of carpentry of China, lived in the Warring States Period more than two thousand years ago. During his travel through the land, he has solved many architectural problems and befriends a young builder. Under the guidance of Lu, the young man slowly turns from an arrogant and imprudent builder into a responsible craftsman able to take on a daunting task assigned by the king.