Harry Panagiotidis


Carbon: The Unauthorised Biography
With Carbon in the news every day, you might think you know everything about her. But you’d be wrong. This spectacular and surprisingly unorthodox documentary reveals the paradoxical story of the element that builds all life, and yet may end it all. Narrated in first person by  Sarah Snook (Succession), Carbon tells of her birth in the violent core of an exploding star and of turbulent sagas through the fabric of our evolving Earth. Accompanied by celebrated scientists, unique animations and a stunning orchestral score, Carbon reminds us of our humble participation in the most extraordinary story in the universe. 
Measure for Measure
Camera Operator
An improbable love affair flares up between Karima, a modern Muslim girl, and Claudio, a local musician, in Melbourne's most notorious housing estate, where ruthless gangs rule, drug abuse spreads and racial tension grows.
Relíquia Macabra
Steadicam Operator
Quando a velha mãe Edna inexplicavelmente some, cabe à filha Kay e à neta Sam viajar para a decrépita casa de campo da família para encontrar pistas de sua demência espalhadas pela casa.
Anjo Meu
Steadicam Operator
Lizzie tem dificuldade em aceitar a morte da filha, mas uma esperança surge quando ela conhece Lola, uma garotinha de sete anos. Acreditando que a menina é a criança falecida, Lizzie fica obcecada, colocando todos em perigo.
Vitamania: The Sense and Nonsense of Vitamins
Dr Derek Muller takes us on an epic adventure, a world-spanning investigation of vitamin science and history, asking how do we decide whether to take vitamin supplements, or not?
Vitamania: The Sense and Nonsense of Vitamins
Director of Photography
Dr Derek Muller takes us on an epic adventure, a world-spanning investigation of vitamin science and history, asking how do we decide whether to take vitamin supplements, or not?
Steadicam Operator
When Chinese-Australian teenager Lawrence cheats at and fails his high-school exams, destroying his dreams of a medical degree, he's banished to the country for the summer. There, he meets wily old conman the Professor and his cynical daughter Sarah, and learns that even the sneakiest scam can't conjure up love. Is it a true story? That might be another of Leung's tricks.
Vaccines: Calling the Shots
Associate Producer
Diseases that were largely eradicated in the United States a generation ago—whooping cough, measles, mumps—are returning, in part because nervous parents are skipping their children's shots. NOVA's "Vaccines—Calling the Shots" takes viewers around the world to track epidemics, explore the science behind vaccinations, hear from parents wrestling with vaccine-related questions, and shed light on the risks of opting out.
Vaccines: Calling the Shots
Director of Photography
Diseases that were largely eradicated in the United States a generation ago—whooping cough, measles, mumps—are returning, in part because nervous parents are skipping their children's shots. NOVA's "Vaccines—Calling the Shots" takes viewers around the world to track epidemics, explore the science behind vaccinations, hear from parents wrestling with vaccine-related questions, and shed light on the risks of opting out.
Frankenstein: Entre Anjos e Demônios
Camera Operator
Após enterrar o Dr. Victor Frankenstein, o monstro criado por ele é atacado por demônios, que pretendem capturá-lo. Ele consegue se salvar e segue sua vida. Porém, 200 anos depois, o monstro, agora com o nome de Adam, acaba se envolvendo em uma guerra entre dois clãs imortais na cidade ancestral de Darkhaven.
Jabbed: Love, Fear and Vaccines
Director of Photography
Diseases that were largely eradicated forty years ago are returning. Across the world children are dying from preventable conditions, because nervous parents are skipping their children's vaccinations. Yet the stories of vaccine injury are frightening, with rare cases of people being seriously hurt by vaccines. This documentary looks at the growing trend of vaccine hesitancy around the world, exploring the reasons for complacency and concerns, and highlighting the impact of delaying or refusing immunisation.
Steadicam Operator
Jack (Nash Edgerton) tem a surpresa perfeita de aniversário para Emelie (Teresa Palmer). Às vezes, porém, os planos dão terrivelmente errado.
Director of Photography
Astonishingly, science has uncovered the key to unlimited life – and a secret of endless youth. Deep in the DNA of a humble pond creature an Australian-born scientist co-discovered an 'immortalising' enzyme, a chemical catalyst that can keep cells young, forever. In 2009 this discovery was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine. But, this is no simple 'cure' for ageing. For the same enzyme that fuels endless youth, also fuels cancer. Immortal reveals the inner workings of this biological paradox and its remarkable impact on ageing, stress, disease and cancer.
Catching Cancer
Director of Photography
One in three of us will get cancer at some stage in our lives. From the moment of diagnosis the common cry is "why me?" Now, across the planet, a select group of scientists is hunting cancer-causing infections. Startling new evidence is revealing that viruses and bacteria are triggering some of the biggest killers of our time. And, believe it or not, this is good news.
Entes Queridos
Steadicam Operator
Brent Mitchell é um jovem constantemente confrontado pelo colapso emocional de sua mãe após o trágico acidente automobilístico que matou seu pai. Rejeitado e sem perspectivas, a sua única felicidade é a bela namorada Holly. O que Brent não desconfia é que ele é também a grande paixão de Lola, a esquisitinha da escola. E que Lola tem um pai maluco capaz de fazer coisas absurdas para agradar a filha.
No Cair da Noite
Steadicam Operator
No Maine, os moradores de Darkness Falls são assombrados pelo espírito vingativo de Matilda Dixon, uma senhora assassinada no século XIX por uma multidão enfurecida que acreditava erroneamente que ela fosse uma assassina de crianças.
No Cair da Noite
Camera Operator
No Maine, os moradores de Darkness Falls são assombrados pelo espírito vingativo de Matilda Dixon, uma senhora assassinada no século XIX por uma multidão enfurecida que acreditava erroneamente que ela fosse uma assassina de crianças.
Planeta Vermelho
Steadicam Operator
Em um futuro apocalíptico, no ano de 2045, a Terra enfrenta uma crise ecológica, como consequência da poluição e da superpopulação. Entretanto, têm missões interplanetárias à Marte, com o objetivo de produzir algas na primeira etapa de terraformação do planeta vermelho. Doze anos depois, quando a quantidade de oxigênio produzido pelas algas tem uma queda inexplicável, a tripulação da Mars-1 é enviada para verificar o que causou a queda nos níveis de oxigênio e assim continuar a missão de terraformação do planeta vermelho para a futura colonização humana.
Fogo Sagrado
Steadicam Operator
Contrariando sua família, Ruth Baron (Kate Winslet), uma jovem australiana, viaja para Índia numa viagem de descobertas e aventuras. Lá se junta à legião de fanáticos do guru Chidaatma Baba. Sua mãe vai ao seu encontro para convencê-la a voltar para a casa. Seus pais chamam, então, o conselheiro espiritual americano P.J. Waters (Harvey Keitel) para tentar trazê-la de volta a normalidade.
Hotel de Love
Steadicam Operator
10 years ago at a party, Steven thinks he sees the girl of his dreams, Melissa. Just as he's about to make his move, his twin brother Rick gets to her first and they fall in love. Steven watches his brother's relationship bloom, longing for Melissa all the while. Eventually, Melissa leaves to go to college and the brothers go on with their lives. Steven becomes a workaholic to block out his feelings about Melissa and Rick becomes a spineless bellboy at the Hotel de Love, after a later girl friend stood him up at the altar. Enter Steven and Rick's warring parents visiting the Hotel de Love for their anniversary. Re-enter Melissa with her current boyfriend, Norman. Suddenly Rick and Steven have a second chance at Melissa. Also there's Alison the palm reader, Susie behind the counter, the owner/piano player, and the freshly married couple.
Zone 39
Steadicam Operator
In a time of misery and fear two enemies come together to prevent an apocalypse conspired by their leaders. 40 years of war between the Federated Republics and the New Territories Union has taken its toll. The cities are overcrowded, farming land is riddled with unexploded mines -- and still there is no hope of peace. In this hostile, decaying world of the future on thing remains constant for Lieutenant Leo Megaw; his love for his pregnant wife. Her access to classified information makes her an increasing liability for the government. When she's ambushed, Leo is forced into exile. As a border patrolman on the isolated outpost of Zone 39, ordered to kill anyone that tries to cross the border, he comes to understand that ultimate catastrophe forced upon his world by his government. The real enemy is not looming across the border but standing right behind him. Now he must reach across the border into enemy territory and form an alliance to save his world.
Zone 39
Camera Operator
In a time of misery and fear two enemies come together to prevent an apocalypse conspired by their leaders. 40 years of war between the Federated Republics and the New Territories Union has taken its toll. The cities are overcrowded, farming land is riddled with unexploded mines -- and still there is no hope of peace. In this hostile, decaying world of the future on thing remains constant for Lieutenant Leo Megaw; his love for his pregnant wife. Her access to classified information makes her an increasing liability for the government. When she's ambushed, Leo is forced into exile. As a border patrolman on the isolated outpost of Zone 39, ordered to kill anyone that tries to cross the border, he comes to understand that ultimate catastrophe forced upon his world by his government. The real enemy is not looming across the border but standing right behind him. Now he must reach across the border into enemy territory and form an alliance to save his world.
Billy's Holiday
Steadicam Operator
This movie is all about a normal guy called Billy Apples. He is a social drinker and sometimes lead singer of a band. While he is doing all of this, he still manages to bring up his teenage daughter. One night while sitting at home Billy finds that he has a talent! He finds that he is able to sing like his idol, 50's singer Billie Holiday. From there he is going places, from huge live performances to even cutting a hit record, but in the end he must make a choice between the life he has, and the life he once knew. Written by Graham Wilson Jr
Quigley, Um Profissional de Elite
Steadicam Operator
Tom Selleck em sua mais corajosa interpretação nesse novo estilo de faroeste com filmagem panorâmica de épico (Los Angeles Times). Tiroteios intensos, paisagens incríveis, fugas alucinadas – todas marcas registradas do faroeste clássico – são reinventadas neste filme de ação que revitaliza o gênero e se mostra um verdadeiro vencedor” (The Hollywood Reporter). Ao chegar à Austrália sem nada além de uma sela e um amado rifle, o atirador americano Matthew Quigley acha que foi contratado para matar cães selvagens. Mas quando percebe que sua verdadeira missão é “eliminar” os aborígines das terras de um rico e poderoso barão do gado, Quigley recusa o trabalho e passa de caçador a caçado. Forçado a declarar guerra a seu ex-empregador, Quigley prova que ninguém faz um atirador de olhos de lince de bobo, ninguém, menos a misteriosa beldade (Laura San Giacomo, Sexo, Mentiras e Videotape) que cavalga a seu lado e captura seu coração.
The Tale of Ruby Rose
Steadicam Operator
The year is 1933. Ruby Rose (Melita Jurisic) is an Australian woman living with her Welsh immigrant husband Henry (Chris Haywood) in the Tasmanian highlands. Cut off from her superjudgmental family, for whom Henry had once worked as a humble farm hand, Ruby remains isolated in her tiny house. Superstitiously terrified of the dark, she begins developing her own folklore about the inky blackness that surrounds her each night; this folklore eventually develops into Ruby's own personal religion, created to ward off the evils that she imagines lurk in every corner. Only by venturing out of her house and rekindling her relationship with her embittered father is Ruby able to exorcise her fears. Almost hypnotic in its stark beauty, Tale of Ruby Rose is proof enough that writer/director Roger Scholes deserves to be far better known.