Sarah Ferrati

Sarah Ferrati

Nascimento : 1909-12-09, Florence, Italy

Morte : 1982-03-03


Sarah Ferrati was an Italian director, stage and screen actress.


Sarah Ferrati


Adaptation of the greek tragedy.
The Trojan Women
In 1967 the director Vittorio Cottafavi produces the TV movie Le Troiane from Euripides. He uses the classical Italian translation by Enzio Cetrangolo, but creates an original way of film adaptation, inspired by the Brechtian conception of staging the ancient theater. He does not use costume or set design, but is based only on the simple performance of the actors, highlighted by the shooting technique. The absolute sense of tragedy is perceived by the public through emotional engagement and imagination. So, the Trojan war is all the wars and the pain of the Trojan women is the pain of all the victims of any war.
A Feiticeira no Amor
Consuelo Lorente
Sem trabalho, Sergio responde a um anúncio no jornal que solicitava os serviços de um tradutor. A ofertante do emprego, Consuelo, é a viúva do autor dos escritos eróticos que serão traduzidos.
Fiat voluntas dei