Maikel Bailey

Maikel Bailey


Maikel Bailey is an actor, known for Animated Stories from the New Testament (1987), Friends for Life (2008) and The Animated Book of Mormon (1987).


Maikel Bailey


Amigos para Sempre
Essa é a comovente história de Jim Crawford (Michael Flynn), um advogado de uma grande cidade que venceu a maioria das batalhas em sua vida. Após a perda de sua esposa, ele tem de enfrentar um futuro solitário, até que, de repente, uma virada do destino (ou talvez um anjo) leva Jim a descobrir os filhotes abandonados de uma loba. Mesmo sem nenhum preparo para a tarefa, o advogado decide levá-los consigo e tomar conta dos animais – uma decisão que mudará para sempre a sua vida.
Worthy is the Lamb
Pilate (voice)
Experience the Passion of Christ. Witness the fulfillment of ancient prophecies. Pray with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Not my will, but thy will be done.” Feel the betrayal of Judas’ kiss. Endure the trial and crucifixion as Jesus willingly submits. Rejoice in the knowledge that Jesus’ death and resurrection provides pardon for our sins.
Jesus, The Son of God
Joseph (voice)
Jesus, the Son of God begins with Jesus, Mary and Joseph traveling to Jerusalem for the Passover in 13 A.D. Young Jesus, age twelve, walks behind His parents carrying a lamb. Jesus is to present the lamb to the priest as a sacrifice for sins. Once inside the busy, noisy city full of trading and bartering, Jesus and His family sell and buy the things they need before taking the lamb to the priest. Jesus presents the lamb to the priest, and the priest tests Him by asking some questions about the law. Jesus' answers are correct and the priest congratulates Him.
The Miracles of Jesus
Hiram (voice)
This animated video tells the story of the miracles of Christ through the eyes of Benjamin, the widow's son brought back to life by Jesus. Benjamin travels the roads Christ did and reminisces of such miracles as the wedding where Jesus turned water to wine, the healing of the centurion's servant, and walking on the water.
He is Risen
Pilate (voice)
He is Risen is the story of the greatest miracle of all, the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Sorrow and despair at the Lord’s crucifixion become complete joy and love as the disciples behold their resurrected Master three days later. The events of the real story of Easter teach of the atonement and resurrection, providing hope to Christians around the world.
The King is Born
Joseph (voice)
The King is Born is a video classic about the birth of Jesus based on the Bible. Beginning with Gabriel announcing God's blessed plan for Mary, this video brings all the elements of this timeless store to life. Journey with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and witness the humble birth of our Savior together with the shepherds.