Robert Poole II


Dead Space: A Consequência
Sound Designer
Baseado no tão aguardado videogame da EA, Dead Space 2, Dead Space: Aftermath é um thriller eletrizante. Ambientado em 2059, a história acompanha os quatro tripulantes sobreviventes da USG O'Bannon.
Dead Space: A Consequência
Sound Effects Editor
Baseado no tão aguardado videogame da EA, Dead Space 2, Dead Space: Aftermath é um thriller eletrizante. Ambientado em 2059, a história acompanha os quatro tripulantes sobreviventes da USG O'Bannon.
Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 3: The Jerkinators!
Sound Effects Editor
Back for their third and zaniest adventure yet, Nickelodeon's boy genius Jimmy Neutron and Timmy from "The Fairly Odd Parents" unite to sculpt a wonder robot. Cartoon calamity ensues when the power-hungry robot develops a mind of his own and turns on his creative inventors.
Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 3: The Jerkinators!
Sound Designer
Back for their third and zaniest adventure yet, Nickelodeon's boy genius Jimmy Neutron and Timmy from "The Fairly Odd Parents" unite to sculpt a wonder robot. Cartoon calamity ensues when the power-hungry robot develops a mind of his own and turns on his creative inventors.