Jack Low
Nascimento : 1897-08-02, Pueblo, Colorado, USA
Morte : 1958-02-21
Townsman in Church (uncredited)
A group of confederate prisoners escape to Canada and plan to rob the banks and set fire to the small town of Saint Albans in Vermont. To get the lie of the land, their leader spends a few days in the town and finds he is getting drawn into its life and especially into that of an attractive widow and her son.
Henchman Ripper
In TV's pioneer days when kids idolized the Lone Ranger, the Texas Kid was a knight errant of the frontier leading the fight for law and order alongside his Mexican companion Pepe. In this rarely-seen TV pilot, the Kid and Pepe intercede on behalf of the murdered rancher's daughter, openly defying the landgrabbers in a cow town so lawless that rustlers operate in broad daylight!
Shot at the Corrigan Ranch in 1950, TEXAS KID co-starred Mercury Records recording artist John Laurenz as Pepe and stuntman Hugh Hooker as the Kid. Hooker, a specialist in stunts involving horses and stagecoaches, often doubled Gene Autry and even produced a few movies, including the low-budget gem . That movie's star was Hugh's teenage son Buddy Joe Hooker, whose own subsequent, stellar stunt career inspired HOOPER (1978), Burt Reynolds' hit comedy tribute to movie stuntmen.
Jailed Cowhand (uncredited)
Whip Wilson rides again in the Monogram western Abilene Trail. Wilson and his grizzled sidekick Andy Clyde are accused of horse stealing, a hangin' offense around these here parts. Eluding the authorities, the boys take jobs at a ranch where the real crook is hiding out.
Railroad Workman
A greedy businessman tries to block the building of a new railroad in his area.
Buffalo Bill Cody battles a gang of outlaws secretly headed by an unscrupulous lawyer.
Zeb Smith is a gambler with a larcenous streak, but when an itinerant preacher takes a bullet meant for him, Zeb vows to fulfill the preacher's mission of building a church. Frustrated in his attempts to get donations, Zeb attempts to capture fugitive Doll Brown in order to obtain the reward. But he finds that there's more to Doll than meets the eye. When his old friend Bucky McLean shows up gunning for Doll, Zeb sees a chance to redeem them all... one way or another.
Barfly (uncredited)
Bob Ford murders his best friend Jesse James in order to obtain a pardon that will free him to marry his girlfriend Cynthy. The guilt-stricken Ford soon finds himself greeted with derision and open mockery throughout town. He travels to Colorado to try his hand at prospecting in hopes that marriage with Cynthy is still in the cards.
Cole Armin vai para Albuquerque trabalhar com seu tio John. Cansado das táticas de John, Cole resolve ficar ao lado de Ted Wallece e sua irmã Celia, rivais de seu tio.
Cowboy (uncredited)
After some gun play with a posse, the James Gang head for Quinto in a section of land which is not a part of America. Anyone there is beyond the law so the town is populated with outlaws. Next to arrive is Sheriff Rowley, following his brother whom the Gang have brought in injured. Rowley has no authority and gets on well enough with the James boys but is soon involved in other local goings-on, including a move to vote for annexation with Oklahoma which would allow the law well and truly in.
Henchman (uncredited)
Na virada do século, Duke e Chester, dois artistas de vaudeville, vão ao Alasca para fazer fortuna. No navio para Skagway, eles encontram um mapa para uma mina de ouro secreta, roubada por McGurk e Sperry, um casal de bandidos. Eles se disfarçam de McGurk e Sperry para sair do navio. Enquanto isso, Sal Van Hoyden está no Alasca para tentar recuperar o mapa; tinha sido roubado do pai dela. Ela se apaixona por Ace Larson, que quer roubar a mina de ouro para si. Duke e Chester, McGurk e Sperry, Ace e seus capangas, e Sal, se perseguem por todo o campo, tentando obter o mapa. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Pirate (uncredited)
Quando o notório pirata Henry Morgan é nomeado governador da Jamaica, ele pede a ajuda de alguns de seus ex-parceiros para livrar o Caribe dos Bucaneiros. Quando um deles aparentemente seqüestra a linda filha do governador anterior e se junta aos rebeldes, as coisas estão prontas para uma briga. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Boston pharmacist Tom Craig comes to Sacramento, where he runs afoul of local political boss Britt Dawson, who exacts protection payment from the citizenry. Dawson frames Craig with poisoned medicine, but Craig redeems himself during a Gold Rush epidemic.
An accused killer is granted a reprieve when his victim returns to town in the flesh after an eight-year absence.
Barroom Brawler
Hopalong Cassidy and Johnny Nelson ride to the mountains to help a man and his daughter save their logging business from someone who is sabotaging their efforts.
Henchman Dogger
Outlaws of the Pandhandle was the last of Charles Starrett's "formula" westerns for Columbia: hereafter, Starrett would be seen only in the guise of frontier medico Steven Monroe or masked do-gooder The Durango Kid. For the moment, however, the star is cast as Jim Endicott, bound and determined to put an end to the underhanded activities of gin-mill operator Faro Jack Vaughn (Norman Willis). The villain's strategy is to get the local cowpunchers tanked up on rotgut that they'll prove to be easy pickings for a gang of rustlers-and will be unable to complete work on a railroad spur which will bypass the outlaws' hideaway.
Os irmãos Marx se aventuram no velho Oeste. Joseph e Rusty ganham uma escritura como pagamento e usam ela para pagar cervejas. Mais tarde descobrem que precisam da escritura e tentam recuperá-la mas os bandidos vão tentar impedi-los a todo custo!
Prison Guard
Bill learns that two con artists whom he has dealt with before are at it again. Crowley runs the saloon and Adams the newspaper and both are highly respected by the citizens. Bill has foiled their schemes before and this time he breaks into Adams' office and resets the front page saying Adams confesses to be a fugitive criminal. When the citizens gather the next day the end is near for Adams and Crowley.
Man at fiesta
The Cisco Kid and his buddy Gordito arrive in town and learn that Cisco is supposedly dead. Not only that: Before his death, he is believed to have attempted to steal Susan Wetherby's land.
Set in Paris, this romantic comedy revolves around the beautiful estranged wife of a wealthy banker who hides a handsome and fiery Communist fugitive in her apartment.
Bill Saunders recruits a team of paroled convicts to subdue a lawless gang.
Juror #2
No Kansas, durante a Guerra Civil, os partidários pró-União e pró-Confederados se opõem e a visita do texano Bob Seton detona o conflito com os Vigilantes de William Cantrell.
Miner at Colliery (uncredited)
Preso sob a acusação de ter matado seu irmão, Geoffrey Radcliffe aguarda sua sentenção - morrer na forca. Mas, logo depois de receber a visita de seu amigo Dr. Frank Griffin, Geoffrey simplesmente desaparece. O inspetor policial Sampson começa a investigar e acredita que Griffin é na verdade o irmão do Homem Invisível original (do primeiro filme) e deu a Geoffrey a fórmula da invisibilidade. Continuação do clássico de 1933.
The Shadow battles a villain known as The Black Tiger, who has the power to make himself invisible and is trying to take over the world with his death ray.
Townsman (uncredited)
A retired lawman gets back into action to fight political corruption.
Hoodlum (uncredited)
Ingênuo homem do interior (James Stewart) é convidado para preencher uma vaga no Senado dos Estados Unidos. Aos poucos vai descobrindo o mar de lama que é o ambiente político dos comandantes de seu país. Tudo em que acredita está ameaçado. Como enfrentar esses poderosos Senadores e dirigentes políticos?
Banana Foreman
Em um porto de comércio remoto sul-americano, o gerente de uma empresa de frete aéreo é forçado a arriscar a vida de seus pilotos para ganhar um contrato importante. Geoff Carter (Cary Grant) é o chefe de um serviço de frete aéreo em ruínas precisando desesperadamente de um piloto substituto. Ele é forçado a contratar um aviador desacreditado (Richard Barthelmess) que chega com sua esposa (Rita Hayworth), a ex-amante de Carter. Enquanto isso, a viajante Bonnie Lee (Jean Arthur) tenta se aproximar do emocionalmente fechado Carter. O filme recebeu duas indicações ao Oscar. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Worker (uncredited)
A Harvard man fights a railroad baron with a disguise and the power of the press.
Agadez é um solitário posto francês assando sob o sol do deserto e comandado pelo cruel e opressivo capitão Savatt (Henry Gordon). Chega, a seu pedido, o Legionário Jim Wilson (Paul Kelly logo seguido por sua noiva, Carla Preston (Lorna Grey), que o localizou de posto em posto. Legionários tomam o forte e libertam Savitt na Arábia Saudita. Deserto assombrado com apenas uma fração da água e da comida necessária para voltar à civilização, mas Savitt passa e retorna ao forte à frente de uma tropa vingadora de homens, mas os árabes cercam Savitt e seus homens, e os amotinados sabem disso. que deixar o forte e ajudá-los significa sua própria morte ...
Man in Crowd (uncredited)
A bohemian free spirit helps meek Waldo win back his fiancée and falls in love with her over-controlling sister in the process.
A silent Western star has trouble adjusting to the coming of sound.
Crew Member
Action-filled drama about a ship captain, ashamed of his background in the slave trade, forced against his will to again transport human cargo.
Sailor (uncredited)
While a ship captain is at sea dealing with a mutiny among his crew, his wife is at home having an affair with his best friend.
Worker (uncredited)
O icónico Vagabundo está empregado em uma fábrica, onde as máquinas inevitável e completamente o dominam e vários percalços o levam para a prisão. Entre suas passagens pela prisão, ele conhece e faz amizade com uma garota órfã. Ambos, juntos e separados, tentam lidar com as dificuldades da vida moderna, o Vagabundo trabalhando como garçom e, eventualmente, um artista.
Prison Guard
The Daring Young Man is hotshot-reporter Don McLane, played by James Dunn. Always on the prowl for a good story, McLane is persistently outscooped by his rival, sob sister Martha Allen (Mae Clarke). After several reels of double-crossing one another, hero and heroine give in to the inevitable and fall in love. But as Martha waits at the altar in her wedding gown, McLane is off on another crusade, this time getting himself arrested to expose corruption within the prison system.
Gangster (Uncredited)
Owen, a small time bookie, decides to open an insurance business as it involves lesser risk. His first client is Colonel Youngblood who insures his daughter, Marilyn, against marriage.
Though he was protecting her when he accidentally killed a man, Mabel Kane (Thelma Todd) refuses to testify on behalf of her dance partner Jerry Davis (George Murphy), and he's sent to jail. In a riot, a hostile convict (Jack La Rue) forces Jerry to help him escape, so Jerry takes to the streets himself. Nightclub entertainer Anne Taylor (Nancy Carroll) meets him, and convinces her boss Louis (Arthur Hohl) to hire him as her partner.
Big Prisoner (uncredited)
Desempregado após o término da Primeira Guerra, Allen torna-se um vagabundo sem dinheiro. Quando assiste a outro homem cometendo um furto, é condenado injustamente a dez anos de cadeia, numa prisão na Geórgia. Lá, é perseguido por gangues e castigado cruelmente por guardas sádicos. Com a ajuda de outro prisioneiro, escapa e parte determinado em busca do sonho que tem de se tornar um engenheiro.
Lead Henchman
Burgess and Greeley are rustling horses and shooting Indians. When they kill Manual they frame Lieutenant Allister. His older brother John now attempts to defend him at his murder trial.
As a luxurious ocean liner makes its way across the Atlantic Ocean, the audience is made privy to the travails of several of its passengers. Edmund Lowe heads the cast as Monty Greer, a suave gambler who falls in love with Judy, the daughter of immigrant lens grinder Rudolph Kramer. In trying to recover some valuable securities stolen from banker Henry Graham, Greer finds himself in the middle of a fierce gun battle in the ship's engine room. Meanwhile, Graham, who has been cheating on his wife Kay with sexy dancer Sigrid Carline, is murdered by person or persons unknown.
Dave Brandon (Tom Tyler) tries to break away from his life of crime, but his old gang won't let him.