Inga Ibsdotter Lilleaas

Inga Ibsdotter Lilleaas

Nascimento : 1989-04-09,


Inga Ibsdotter Lilleaas


Uma Linda Vida
Um jovem pescador se transforma em uma revelação musical, mas seu passado é um obstáculo. Será que ele consegue superar seus traumas e conquistar a fama e o amor?
A surprisingly large number of employees attend the parent-teacher conference at the kindergarten, and the parents soon discover that the kindergarten does not share their conception that their four year old son’s behavior is within the normal range. 
Traídos Pela Guerra
Amalie Laksov
2ª Guerra Mundial. Quando os nazistas invadem a Noruega, os Braude acreditam que serão protegidos pelo governo, mas pequenas escolhas condenam seus destinos para sempre. A história real de uma família judia em sua terrível jornada até Auschwitz.
A young woman spirals into darkness following the death of her mother.
Going West
An unemployed music teacher takes his estranged transsexual father on a road trip to the west coast of Norway, in order to honor his late mother's excellent quilting skills.
A 75 year-old widow, crippled by grief, seeks unconventional solace by traveling across town to buy drugs.
Generation Mars
Astrid is one of the winners of Generation Mars; a reality show sending the first humans to Mars, never to return.
O Último Rei
No ano de 1206 a Noruega está travada pela guerra civil. O filho do rei ilegítimo infantil, Håkon Håkonsson, que metade do reino quer morto, é guardado em segredo por dois homens. Uma história que mudou o curso da história do país.
Women in Oversized Men's Shirts
The dorkiest thing in the world, according to feminist poet Sigrid, is the movie cliche of the young woman who in the morning dons her male lover's shirt, looking adorably "indie cute". But when she begins a relationship with Kåre Tryvle, she has difficulties living up to her ideals. Meanwhile, pregnant performance artist Trine is planning to give birth in a cage, dressed up as Marie Antoinette, on camera, and factory worker Astrid is looking for the son she had adopted away.
Director Lena
Representatives from a major security brand, an advertising agency and a production company meet at a so-called offline meeting, to try to agree on the final cut of a commercial film. The commercial is supposed to promote the company’s diverse profile, but the problems begin when the client thinks two of the black actors look too much alike.