One day, Hiroko accidentally starts a small fire while she is cooking. Although it does not lead to a serious incident, it does result in her going to stay with her eldest daughter, Yuko, for whom Hiroko has never been the mother she wanted.
One day, Hiroko accidentally starts a small fire while she is cooking. Although it does not lead to a serious incident, it does result in her going to stay with her eldest daughter, Yuko, for whom Hiroko has never been the mother she wanted.
Um grande terremoto atinge o Japão e deixa milhares de pessoas mortas e feridas. A pequena Haruna e seu irmão Sotha ficam órfãos, e são acolhidos pelos tios, que cuidam muito bem deles. Mas as crianças não conseguem se acostumar à vida sem os pais. Haruna tem problemas na nova escola, e Sotha não compreende que o pai e a mãe realmente se foram.