Baron von Rhoneberg ("A Dose of Succubus" segment) (archive footage) (uncredited)
"In an asylum, patients were subjected to watching horror films for psychiatric study... but they all went mad and now those films have been unearthed!" claims the product description. In reality, the "story" is told with silly title cards over random abandoned asylum shots while long scenes from eleven different 70s and 80s horror films are edited in.
Recently released from prison, Samuel Malakian, a wealthy architect, investigates the disappearance of his daughter, Nathalie, kidnapped by thugs linked to the underworld. When he discovers that she is a prostitute, he will descend into the slums of the city and rub shoulders with these dangerous environments. For him, from now on, all means will be good in order to find the fruit of his entrails.
De Gournais, le directeur de la galerie
The young artist Wanda Leibovitz comes to Paris, hoping to forget unfortunate love. Soon after arrival directly at the station Wanda meets the mysterious old woman suggesting to rent at it the room (whom the old woman, allegedly, held ready for the now deceased sister). Wanda doesn't know yet that this room will change all her life shortly after it slightly opens a mysterious forbidden door.
Joseph Marchesi, dit Crazy Capo
French gangster movie
Baron von Rhoneberg
Quando um grupo de turistas (cada um dos quais associado a um dos sete pecados mortais) fica impossibilitado de prosseguir viagem pelo interior da Itália, um estranho lhes oferece abrigo para passar a noite em seu castelo. Mas sua família é amaldiçoada: A filha mais velha em cada geração está destinada a se tornar uma serva de Satanás. O horror começa quando a filha mais velha (Erica Blanc) aparece e começa a explorar as fraquezas dos convidados, fazendo com que amaldiçoem a si mesmos.
Baron Misceni
Tom Proby is a representative from a British engineering firm sent to Sicily to convince the landowners (all in the Mafia) to allow his company to build an oil refinery on some waterfront real estate. Proby talks to the mob bosses about the project, but disagreements between different bosses complicate his efforts.
Free-lance undercover agent Coplan receives a phone call from an old girlfriend in Turkey. The panic-stricken woman gives sketchy details of a plot that threatens world security. When Coplan arrives, he is told the woman has been killed, and the trail of the murderer leads to her mad-scientist brother.
A thinly-disguised biography of African leader Patrice Lumumba, here called Lalubi. Lalubi, a Christ-like leader determined to save his people, by passive resistance, from the dictatorial regime propped up by European colonialists, is imprisoned and tortured, along with a thief who comes to a greater understanding through his contact with Lalubi.
After successfully assaulting an armored car between Las Vegas and Los Angeles, the ambitions of the diverse members of the intrepid criminal gang collide, causing undesirable consequences.
Récitant / Narrator (voice)
Surrealist short film of images viewed to a surrealist poem by Max Ernst.
A French secret agent gets a license to kill when he is sent to Vienna to plug a security leak in this routine spy saga. He is caught in the crossfire of international enemy agents trying to eliminate the French.
Gen. Melies
Em 1954, durante os últimos dias do envolvimento militar francês na Indochina, o coronel francês Pierre-Noel Raspeguy está liderando seus paraquedistas na decisiva batalha de Dien Bien Phu. Uma guarnição francesa enfraquecida enfrenta um grande ataque de tropas comunistas do Viet Minh. Quando sua posição é invadida pelo inimigo Raspeguy e seus homens são feitos prisioneiros. Depois do tratado de paz, eles são libertados e regressam à França, onde o Coronel Raspeguy recebe o comando de um novo regimento aéreo com destino à Argélia. Os franceses estão tentando impedir a Argélia de obter a independência total da França. O Exército francês está envolvido em operações de contra insurgência, em ambientes urbanos e rurais, contra a guerrilha argelina liderada pela Frente de Libertação Nacional da Argélia (FLNA). Esta é a última chance do coronel Raspeguy de provar suas habilidades de comando e salvar sua carreira militar.
In the First World War, when Paris is expected to fall to the Germans, the attractive widow, Princesse de Bormes, organises a convoy of cars to evacuate the wounded from the front, and bring them back to her villa in Paris to recuperate. The authorities will not give them passes until an innocent 16-year-old boy, Guillaume Thomas de Fontenoy, joins them and is mistaken as the nephew of the popular General de Fontenoy. The Princess is enraptured by Thomas and her daughter, Henriette, falls in love with him. However Thomas feels impelled to see more of the action of the war.
Maurice Leprince
In an unnamed Central American state on the eve of a crucial election, a young police informer working for police officer Miguel Mora bent on uncovering the shady works of popular politician Maurice Leprince is killed. However, thugs working for Leprince began to be killed one by one as well.
Prof. Norbert Catalan
French military man Adrien Dufourquet gets an eight-day furlough to visit his fiancée, Agnès. But when he arrives in Paris, he learns that her late father's partner, museum curator Professor Catalan, has just been kidnapped by a group of Amazon tribesmen who have also stolen a priceless statue from the museum. Adrien and Agnès pursue the kidnappers to Brazil, where they learn that the statue is the key to a hidden Amazon treasure.
Commissaire Beronnet
The fiancée of a gangster who has been shot by the police takes an entire police station hostage, armed with a revolver and a bottle of nitroglycerine...
An African physician returns home after studying medicine in Paris. He marries and settles down to life in the bucolic splendor of his native land. When he has a confrontation with a white plantation owner, the white man sees red and casts a spell on the African doctor. Although he realizes the curse is an ancient tribal superstition, he still is plagued by the ghost of his late first wife. The black doctor and the white man are assimilated into cultures in which neither of them were born in this vexing jungle tale.
RAdm. Janjard
O maior ataque que o mundo já viu, acontecido no dia 6 de junho, ficou conhecido como o Dia D e desbancou o domínio nazista na Europa. A ofensiva, que envolveu mais de 3 milhões de homens, foi uma das mais ousadas e sangrentas estratégias militares da era moderna e marcou o início do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Vencedor dos Oscar de Fotografia em Preto e Branco e Efeitos Especiais, foi indicado ainda à outras três categorias: Filme, Montagem e Direção de Arte em Preto e Branco.
Husband try to kill his wife with a help of the plan he saw in a film. But reality is not a film.
Gerolamo Sagona
The Dumas story about Siamese twins separated at birth but who have a strong psychic link.
Jean-François Vérate
A dozen elegant people are gathered in a writer's desirable mansion. In the grand tradition of Agatha Christie, they all have something to hide.They begin a cruel game of truth, a game where you're not supposed to tell lies. As the questions become more and more intimate and precise, the tempers rise, while outside the storm is raging. Enter a hateful person (played by Paul Meurisse, the nasty headmaster in "Les Diaboliques") who seems to know a lot about them. Someone is murdered. Whodunit?
Paul Dutraz
In this mystery, a nouveau-riche Frenchman returns to his Parisian home after finding a fortune in Africa. He is looking for a wife and begins advertising in the newspaper. Instead he finds himself victimized by con-artists.
An enigmatic woman recruits a gang of specialised criminals to rob a US Army payroll armoured truck bound for Marseilles. However, things don't go exactly as planned.
Maurice Faugères
Danielle Darrieux stars in this French thriller as a singer having an affair with her accompanist. When her husband dies in an automobile accident, the two lovers suspect each other of having murdered him. Soon after, they receive 45 rpm records with the dead man’s voice, threatening to come back.
Alejandro Gual
Aroused citizens assassinate an unpopular Caribbean despot, then two men vie for his gorgeous widow Ines. Ojeda is a steamy, isolated island, the penal colony for an oppressive dictatorship. A reactionary seizes the murdered governor's post, and rushes to eliminate his romantic rival, an idealistic underling. The bureaucrat Vazquez hopes to marshal the angry residents of the capitol, El Pao, plus the many political prisoners, to oust Governor Gual.
André Reverdy
Jean, who is the artistic director of a fashion magazine, is married to a very pretty cover girl, Sylvie. They both work for André Reverdy, a very cynical man, who openly covets Sylvie.
Dr. Corot
A Dutch slave captain, on a voyage to Cuba, faces a revolt fomented by a newly captured African slave, Tamango. The slaves capture the captain's mistress, forcing a showdown.
Henri Godot
Quand la Femme S'en Mele (When the Woman Butts In) stars French film favorite Edwige Feuillere as a high-class gangster's moll named Maine. When Maine's first husband and daughter pay a visit, it's an awkward time for our heroine and her current amour, gang boss Godot (Jean Servais). In addition to fielding a lot of embarrassing questions, Godot also has to deal with a pesky turf war with a rival mobster. Not that the ex-husband is a paragon of virtue: he's busy trying to get even with a crooked business associate.
Pierre Pelletier
Pierre is an engine driver who adopts a small girl, a WWI orphan. A widower, he sees in her the image of her mother.
Priest Fotis
Greece, in the 1920s, is occupied by the Turks. The country is in turmoil with entire villages uprooted. The site of the movie is a Greek village that conducts a passion play each year. The leading citizens of the town, under the auspices of the Patriarch, choose those that will play the parts in the Passion. A stuttering shepherd is chosen to play Jesus. The town butcher (who wanted to be Jesus) is chosen as Judas. The town prostitute is chosen as Mary Magdalene. The rest of the disciples are also chosen. As the movie unfolds, the Passion Play becomes a reality. A group of villagers, uprooted by the war and impoverished, arrive at the village led by their priest. The wealthier citizens of the town want nothing with these people and manipulate a massacre. In the context of the 1920s, each of the characters plays out their biblical role in actuality.
Narrator (voice)
How to make the most of a defeat. How to make money from Napoleon's fiasco at Waterloo.
Maj. Charles Hobson
Marc Hourtin
Pacos Le Maltais, leader of a gang, lays down the law on the quay of Marseille. He fires one of his henchmen, Le Chinois, who killed a woman during the last bank stickup.
François Séverin
A good cast smooths over the rough spots of Les Heros sont Fatigues. The scene is the African republic of Liberia, which in this film proves to be a stopping-off point for a number of shady characters. Yves Montand plays a French ex-pilot who becomes involved in a scheme to smuggle stolen diamonds. His cohorts include a Nazi collaborator, a German refugee, and the white mistress of a prominent Liberian. A romance develops between the ex-pilot and the aforementioned mistress. Meanwhile, one of the conspirators (Curt Jurgens) has a last-minute attack of conscience, effectively queering the deal. The steamier romantic passages in Les Heros sont Fatigues had to be trimmed for American consumption.
Tony le Stéphanois
Líder de uma gangue do submundo de Paris rouba uma joalheria, mas entra em conflito com seus parceiros na hora de dividir os lucros. Com roteiro baseado no romance de Auguste le Breton, o filme traz uma das sequências de roubo mais famosas da história do cinema - cerca de trinta minutos de muita tensão, sem música ou diálogos.
le châtelain
Fred Maurin
Taking advantage of the shooting of a film, gangsters stage a hold -up. A black man, Selim, is unfairly accused.
Jacques Christian
While Henri Laurent speeds along on the racing circuits, his pretty wife Françoise goes from luxury boutique to luxury boutique with her best friend Denise. One day, Denise lets her know that Henri has a lover. Outraged, Françoise moves out of marital home and rents a maids' room in Rue de l'Estrapade. Henri tries to get his wife back but Françoise does not listen. She even looks for a job in a prêt-à-porter shop and lets herself be courted by Robert, her neighbor across the landing...
A romantic German girl is brought to France. After an interlude with an old roue, she falls in love with a simple, but married, man. She goes to work for him as a servant, but after a night of love with him, she commits suicide.
l'ami de Jean
Três histórias sobre o prazer adaptadas da obra de Guy de Maupassant. Na primeira, A Máscara, um velho usa uma máscara de jovem em um salão para seduzir as mulheres. No conto seguinte, Mansão Tellier, uma cafetina e suas prostitutas passeiam pelo campo durante um final de semana. Já a terceira história, A Modelo, fala sobre a paixão de um casal de artistas.
Laurent Bartel
Evelyne, a judge's young wife, falls in love with Rémy while vacationing in Italy. Upon returning home, she must decide between telling her husband and continuing to see Rémy.
A mysterious figure signing himself "The Ferret" keeps sending letters to the police, tipping them off about murders that are to be committed around Paris. Among those caught up in the police manhunt is a fraudulent clairvoyant.
Lord Osborne
Anne seeks revenge on Jacques who betrayed her trust. She decides to poison him and the people close to him.
During the cold and rainy off-season a man arrives in a seaside town and, giving his name only as Pierre, checks into the only hotel which remains open. His arrival arouses curiosity and a degree of suspicion, as people note that he appears to know the area, yet gives no explanation for his presence at that bleak time of year in the dead-end town.
Short documentary on Paul Gauguin by Alain Resnais
Enrico Miller
This flashback heavy melodrama is a loose adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s novella The Kreutzer Sonata named after the Beethoven piece. The story concerns marriage, divorce, love, carnal lust and jealousy.
A sinister fortress on an island where the sun never seems to shine. An officer whose values have long gone a thing of the past.
The bus driver
An old man about to die gives all his fortune to a young beggar he meets in an Arabian town. He takes him to his house (now the poor man's property) and he strongly advises him not to open one of the doors, the seventh door. "I could throw the key into the sea" says the young lad" No use, you'd dive to get it back". The young man is curious and he cannot resist temptation: he opens the forbidden door. A strange world is waiting for him where a girl, Leila, will be his guide .
In a slum set to be demolished, dramas are played out among the picturesque slum dwellers, including a young couple who, denounced by the police, are forced to leave home.
An aristocrat instigates divorce proceedings against his son-in-law, a commoner and the ex-owner of night club "La Vie de Plaisir".
Daughter of a French officer and an Annamite, Mahlia was brought up in Indochina by Mr. and Mrs. de Roussière. Their son, Henri, would like to marry her but they are against it. Mahlia flees and Henri is killed for trying to protect her. The young girl enters the Mission to raise children there in the love of France.
François Carré
In Central Europe, an organization of counterfeiters is headed by Burcq. An Air France pilot introduces an intelligence agent to the principality. A woman, Helene, betrays them first, then in love with Francois, the pilot, helps the two friends to escape.
In a lost village in Lapland, Gérard comes to the aid of his friend Anders, in conflict with his father, a rich owner of gold mines.
Mademoiselle Bressac is a bossy spinster who manages "Le Clos", her estate, with an iron hand. But is she really a bad person? Her manners are abrupt but they only hide a heart of gold. Doesn't she bring up four orphans, Dominique, Fabien, Chantal and Jean? And as if it were not enough, she has accepted to educate another child, her niece Patricia, entrusted to her care by her irresponsible father. Thanks to her, the five young people have grown up in harmony and now they are about to find their place in society. Two of them, Jean and Patricia, who love each other, live only for the estate.
An ambitious and perverse adventurer sows dissension and ruin in a wealthy family of industrialists.
An airplane manufacturer asks his son-in-law to try out the prototypes he builds. This one ends up having an accident because of fatigue, and pushes the sacrifice to help his rival.
Taking advantage of their uncle's absence, André and Raymond Rafet organize a New Year's Eve party at his house. The uncle returns unexpectedly, disturbs the party, threatens his nephews to disinherit them and then locks himself in his office. A few minutes later, he is found dead, poisoned.
Two campers meet two young girls in the Landes. Love will bloom, with its heartbreaks.
For years now, Chief inspector Gustave Picard has been trying to bring down Salviati, the dreadful leader of a drug-selling gang. Lucienne Préville, an informer who works for him, has infiltrated the gang but her position is dangerous. On the other hand, Scoppa, Salviati's former right-hand man, has started challenging his former boss. Will Salviati, the brutal public enemy, clear off at last?
At the borders of the Saharan desert, the dramatic situation of a battalion of light infantry attacked by the enemy.
After winning the lottery, an orphan who wants to find a husband asks a hotel porter to be her father.
A young settler from Algeria is in love with the boss's niece. Of course, the father of the young man is formally opposed to the marriage. But helped by his mother and by the kingpin himself, the boy achieves his goals.
Angèle is a 1934 French drama film directed, produced and written by Marcel Pagnol. It stars Orane Demazis as a naive young woman who is seduced and abandoned. It is based on the novel Un de Baumugnes by Jean Giono.
A young woman flees with her lover, after having killed her brutal husband; hoping to live a few hours of happiness, before his arrest...
After being saved from suicide due to an unhappy marriage, Marie hesitates between two other men, but lands up rejoining her husband in the colonies as she now expects a baby.
Dr. Holk leads an isolated and lonely existence in a small, Dutch colony in the tropics. Having fled from love and civilization, his only companions now are alcohol and his work, which takes him to villages ravaged by dirt, fever and a strange illness which turns innocent people into madmen: Amok. One day, he is called on by Helene Haviland, who asks him to abort her lover's child before her husband returns from abroad. Even though Holk is enchanted by her seductive beauty, he haughtily refuses her request. Rejected, the woman turns to a Chinese practitioner. When Holk tracks her down in a dirty dive, it's already too late for the two of them.
Marius Pontmercy
The lives of numerous people over the course of 20 years in 19th century France, weaved together by the story of an ex-convict named Jean Valjean on the run from an obsessive police inspector, who pursues him for only a minor offense.
The singer Saltore is accused of the murder of his wife's lover, and is sentenced to ten years' hard labour. His daughter proves his innocence when she discovers the culprit to be his wife, who wanted to end an embarrassing love affair.
Bob Graham
A wrongfully convicted man finds himself suspected of a crime committed in his prison.
One of the most popular melodrama films directed by Abel Gance. A paranoide, fanatical and obsessively jealous husband obducts his own son to bully his wife.