Mac Bennett

Mac Bennett


Mac Bennett


Ernest - O Herói Doidão
Technician #1
Ernest é um atrapalhado zelador de um acampamento que sonha em ser conselheiro e guia de uma turma de garotos. Seu sonho se torna realidade quando recebe a incumbência de cuidar de um bando de delinquentes que fazem parte de um programa de reabilitação. Dentre todas as trapalhadas que apronta, entrega o acampamento para uma empresa mineradora. Agora ele e seus garotos têm que impedir que destruam o acampamento.
The Last Days of Frank and Jesse James
Clarence Hite
This movie looks at the last years (not days, as implied in the title) of famous outlaws, Frank and Jesse James. The film opens in 1877 with the brothers trying to settle down after 15 years of thievery. Frank is shown to be a book-loving and family-oriented man, while brother Jesse is a money-hungry womanizer. The movie follows their lives through Jesse's death at the hands of the "rotten little coward" Bob Ford and Frank's death in 1892.
Hey Vern, It's My Family Album
Ernest finds his old family album in the attic and discusses his family members from the album to his neighbor, Vern.