In 1977, Bette Midler's first television special premiered, featuring guest stars Dustin Hoffman and Emmett Kelly. It went on to win Bette her first Emmy Award for Outstanding Special — Comedy-Variety or Music. To make the show palatable to home viewers, the special featured heavily cleaned up versions of the material Midler was performing at that time on stage. The title of the show, Ol' Red Hair is Back, was a takeoff on the title of Frank Sinatra's recent album Ol' Blue Eyes Is Back.
Um filme espetacular, bem à maneira de DeMille, que é também a maior homenagem que o cinema prestou ao mundo do circo. O grande circo que é o pano de fundo deste drama humano é o famoso Ringling Bros-Barnum & Bailey, e James Stewart é o palhaço que esconde um passado misterioso. Entre os convidados especiais encontramos Bing Crosby, Bob Hope e William Boyd. Oscar de melhor filme em 1952.
A innocent dentist is murdered and the only apparent motive seems to be to steal a set of dental x-rays. To the police it looks like an accident, but private eye Brad Runyan thinks there's more to it.