Vivian Smallwood


Matadores de Velhinha
Tea Lady
O professor G.H. Dorr tem um grande plano para assaltar um cassino. Ele aluga um quarto na casa de uma senhora, onde convoca seus comparsas para discutir o plano de ação. A situação se complica quando a senhora descobre o plano, o que faz com que os ladrões tenham que eliminá-la de qualquer maneira.
Upon returning to Los Angeles to attend his father's funeral, Damon (Alexander) soon learns that in order to claim his share of the family inheritance he must work alongside his brother, Mookie (Kain) — a former drug-dealer who had previously cost Damon a college scholarship — in keeping the family's long-running gas station in business for at least one year. As the siblings repeatedly butt heads over matters both great and small, they soon come to realize that it takes more than money to hold a family together.