Titus Kreyenberg

Titus Kreyenberg


Titus Kreyenberg


A Woman
"A Woman" is a cinematic essay about identity. A search into the wounds of exile and a reflection on the function of memory. A haunting and intimate portrait of the director’s own mother. It is the story of an imitation artist, trying to adapt to the challenges of real life … as a woman.
A Place Called Dignity
Pablo, a 12-year-old boy, receives a scholarship to attend school in the mysterious and isolated Colonia Dignidad established in Chile by German settlers. It seems to be quite a privilege for a kid like him, and he quickly becomes the favourite of the leader of the colony, Uncle Paul. Over time, Pablo witnesses some kind of strange things which happen there and make him act differently than the other students.
Police officer Harry Österreich is a first responder at a traffic accident. Despite his best efforts, an entire family dies at the scene. Harry is shaken by the experience and increasingly obsessed by the fate of the extinguished family.
Terra Sagrada
Ibrahim sofre de uma doença terminal e, quando sente que o fim se aproxima, pede que seu filho, Omer, o leve até uma árvore que plantou há mais de 50 anos. Chegando lá, contudo, Omer descobre que o pai pretende mesmo é ser enterrado ali. O problema é que o local agora está tomado por uma vila, e os habitantes acreditam que a árvore é sagrada e tem o poder de realizar desejos. Além de lidar com a morte iminente do pai, Omer precisa mediar a briga entre Ibrahim e o vilarejo, que não quer ceder a árvore.
The Miracle of the Sargasso Sea
Elizabeth, a sexually yielding policewoman, is miserable in the narrow-minded town in which she's living. While Rita, a lonely eel-hatchery worker, is trying to escape from the sticky situations of her life.
When her disastrous wedding night leads to an accidental killing, Natalie flees her rural town in South Africa's desolate Karoo region.
A man sets out in search of his lost love: a journey that draws him into the turbulent heart of present-day India and transforms inevitably into a confrontation with the past.
Retrato dos sem-teto Matze, Elvis, Filzlaus e Sergio com a ajuda de objetos pessoais carregados de memórias e emoções que atuam como testemunhas de suas vidas.
Clair Obscur
O escritor e diretor turco Yesim Ustaoglu oferece um estudo paralelo de duas mulheres - uma psiquiatra com um parceiro de longa data e uma esposa em uma casa conservadora, quase tirânica - neste estudo das possibilidades e limitações que existem para as mulheres na Turquia hoje.
Antoine de Tounens (Rodrigo Lisboa) foi um aventureiro francês corajoso, que decidiu viajar pelo continente sul-americano em 1860 e fundar sua própria monarquia. Com o aval dos índios do sul do Chile, criou o Reino da Araucania e da Patagônia, declarando-se rei do local. Mas o governo chileno decide tomar as devidas providências para impedir o reinado deste estrangeiro em suas terras. Baseado numa história real.
18-year-old Jesús lives with his stern, somewhat unaffectionate father in Santiago, Chile. When not doing drugs, having casual sex or simply slouching in front of the TV, Jesús and his friends perform in a K-pop boyband. But his routine is thrown into chaos one evening when he and his drunken posse viciously assault a young gay man and leave him for dead. It’s an act that propels Jesús into a profound moral crisis which have severe consequences.
The Have-Nots
The thin line between happiness and disaster: Jakob cancels a business trip to New York City because he finds out his ex-girlfriend is coming to a party in Berlin on that day: 9/11/2001. His friend Hans goes to the US instead.
Until I Lose My Breath
A young girl working in a textile workshop is desperately trying to save money to make her father quit his job and find an apartment together with her. But her father does not seem to be the person she wants him to be.
Los Hongos
Ras is a graffiti artist from the city of Cali who works in construction, he works during the day and paints walls at night. One day he is caught stealing cans of paint from the construction site where he works, for which he is fired. With no money, he will look for Calvin, another popular urban artist. Both will circulate through the streets without a fixed destination, spreading their art to every corner.
Terra de Tempestades
Szabolcs joga futebol em um time alemão junto com Bernand, seu companheiro de quarto e amigo inseparável. Após perder uma partida e ter uma discussão feia, Szabolcs volta para a Hungria na busca de simplicidade. Porém, ele não fica muito tempo sozinho, logo ele conhece Áron e eles desenvolvem uma atração mútua. De repente, Szabolcs recebe uma ligação de Bernand, dizendo que ele acabou de chegar na Hungria.
The Education
Colors in the Dark
Anita and Fred have been a couple for 50 years, and happily married for nearly as long. They have two grown children, and their grandchildren are finishing school. Both can look back at a fulfilling past, but their lives are still rich and vibrant. The fact that Fred is terribly ill has been hidden from the family. For the first time in all these years, Fred takes some liberties, which his wife interprets as an affront. Never before has she felt so abandoned. Although she starts to question her relationship, a love like theirs cannot end so easily. Indeed it should never end.
Ein Schnitzel für drei
The unemployed salesman Wolfgang practices optimism, his friend Günther realism: The situation is shitty! But then zookeeper Günther finds a few hundred thousand Euros from his demented neighbor. The mates take the money but also the care for the old man.
Me Myself and the Universe
Four people talk about aspects of their work. A flight attendant on a 747 shows us some of what's involved in getting the cabin ready for the next flight. A man in a hardhat discusses the capacity of a huge steam shovel shaped like a wheel, as it turns and moves earth in the background. A man who sells room furnishings talks about trying to make advertising fliers. A cemetery manager describes burial options. All are cheerful.
Keine Hand wäscht die Andere
Art Direction
On the run from her criminal Italian husband, a young French woman meets a German lover in West Berlin who offers her shelter but who also gets entangled in her threatened life ever deeper.