Walt Disney animation animated cartoon musical compilation ("The BIG Parade of MIRTH and MELODY"; "Offering hits re-released from 'Make Mine Music' and 'Melody Time'"; featuring cartoons from the 1946 musical, "Make Mine Music," and the 1948 musical "Melody Time") featuring Donald Duck, Joe Carioca, and other Disney cartoon characters, and also songs by Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians, Benny Goodman and His Orchestra, Frances Langford, Roy Rogers and Trigger, The Andrews Sisters (Laverne, Maxene, and Patty Andrews), Freddy Martin and his orchestra, Sons of the Pioneers, Jerry Colonna, and Ethel Smith
A meditative nighttime tour through a swamp to the title song. A stork walks slowly through the water, takes a brief flight, and lands again; we examine the ripples his movement makes. A second stork joins in on a second slow, sweeping flight.
A história animada de Bambi, um jovem cervo saudado como o "Príncipe da Floresta" no seu nascimento. Como Bambi cresce, ele faz amizade com os outros animais da floresta, aprende as habilidades necessárias para sobreviver e até encontra o amor. Um dia, porém, os caçadores vem, e Bambi deve aprender a ser tão corajoso como seu pai, e levar os outros cervos para a segurança.