Mother Superior
Conta a história de Kitty Darling, uma estrela decadente burlesca que tenta salvar o convento-escola que sua filha April estuda, pois tem medo da filha seguir os passos da mãe.
Mrs St. George
A shopgirl loves a paralysed amnesiac and kidnaps him from his interfering mother.
Queen Maria Carolina
Lady Hamilton's love affair with Admiral Horatio Nelson rocks the British Empire.
Após ficar órfã, a jovem Letty se muda para a casa de um primo no Texas, onde não é bem recebida pela esposa dele, Beverly. Por ciúmes, Beverly praticamente força Letty a se casar com um pretendente pelo qual ela não sente nenhuma afeição.
Diana's Mother
Durante uma festa, Diana está visivelmente chateada. Sua amiga Ann é uma completa egoísta e amoral. Ambas estão atraídas pelo mesmo rapaz, o rico Ben Black. Quando Ben vê Diana conversando com outros rapazes, ele acha que a moça está flertando - o que seria um sinal de desinteresse por ele. Por isso Ben decide se casar com Ann. Só o tempo irá mostrar que Ben e Diana foram feitos um para o outro.
Queen Alexia
Set in the fictitious European kingdom of Balanca, Prince Michael IV is being coerced, by his advisers, to marry a young woman of royal blood. However, he has fallen for a peasant.
Mmme. Zizi Rouck, Marianne's Mother
Marianne é uma garota pobre que vai para Paris para ser atriz no teatro. Quando começa a fazer sucesso ela deve escolher entre o amor de dois homens, Lucien, um soldado apaixonado que abandona o exército para ficar com ela, ou Henry Legrand, um rico de meia-idade produtor Paris que lhe oferece a oportunidade para ter fama e fortuna.
Mrs. Brierly
Young Brierly struggles to save his father, Major Brierly, from the clutches of alcohol after the Great War. At the same time, he prepares Major Brierly's horse, which served bravely with the Major at the front, for the Kentucky Derby.
Mary, the Mother
Esta excelente epopéia bíblica, produzida e dirigida pelo mestre Cecil B. DeMille, é uma mistura hábil de reverência espiritual e imaginação cinematográfica. Considerado por muitos críticos a melhor versão da vida de Cristo já produzida, o filme cobre os 33 anos vividos por Jesus Cristo, desde seu nascimento até a Crucificação, Ressureição e a Ascensão. Incluindo o relacionamento do Salvador com João, os 40 Dias no Deserto, a Escolha dos Apóstolos, o Sermão na Montanha, a Traição de Judas, a Páscoa e a sua Última Ceia. O Rei dos Reisé um épico cheio de planos sequência, figuração realizada por milhares de pessoas, efeitos especiais para a época impressionantes, com uma pesquisa de arte e produção perfeita, tanto para os cenários quanto para o guarda-roupas, fiéis totalmente ao período e um elenco estrelar com grandes atores. Obra-prima incontestável de grande valor histórico e religioso.
Lady Pintar
Tina, who is from an aristocratic English family, believes in the new freedom for women and is an ardent follower of a group of pseudo-bohemians. While riding through the neighboring estate of John Humphries, a wealthy commoner resented by the Carteret family, she is retrieved from a fall by John and blames him for the accident. The following day, she invites him to dinner, pretending repentance, but taking pleasure in ridiculing his old-fashioned dignity.
Robert Z. Leonard directed Griffith in a story based on a popular 1905 Victor Herbert operetta on Broadway, Mlle. Modiste, with a libretto by Henry Martyn Blossom, which was similar to the MGM film The Merry Widow. The film is now considered a lost film. The story was refilmed in 1930 as the talkie Kiss Me Again.
An adaption of a novel by Peter Pan author J.M. Barrie.
Countess Stoll
Billy Morrow (Ben Lyon), who comes from a wealthy family, is sailing to Europe with his father (Holbrook Blinn) on their yacht. Along for the ride is Mrs. Parr (Claire Eames) and her stepdaughter. Near the French coast, Billy discovers that Mrs. Parr wants to arrange a marriage between him and the girl, so he escapes and takes a lifeboat ashore.
Constance Fay
Silent film drama...
A manicurist in the beauty shop of a large metropolitan hotel, is engaged to Antonio Luca an electrician. However she a meets James Morgan a wealthy guest who wants to go out with her, but she declines so he sends her ten dollars for theater tickets.
Clodah Harrison
A Sam Wood silent South Africa romance is a love story (based on Cynthia Stocklet Story) with a sad...and then happy ending. antic love triangle melodrama, from the Cynthia Stocklet Story. Dalla (Betty Compson) is a pretty orphan who is adopted by a wealthy man. When she matures, he invites her to England (leaving her beau behind),and eventually marries her. After her husband is murdered, she is accused of the crime, because she has still been seeing her old beau Col. Valentia (Warner Baxter). After eventually being cleared of the crime Della maries her first love...Valentia.
Mrs. Horton
Nellie Horton, when mistreated by her father, is taken in charge by Thomas Lipton. She grows up in poverty not knowing her true identity as the heiress to her mother's millions. Upon the death of her benefactor, she becomes a model in a fashionable shop. There she falls into the hands of her mother's unscrupulous nephew, who contrives to do away with her in order to obtain her fortune. ....
Paula Vrain
While honeymooning in Paris Elsie is rescued from attentions of a man.Her hero is Don Arturo who takes her to Countess Longueval after her husband must go for work to Argentine.When her husband returns he is shocked how have Elsie change.Elsie goes to a party in Arturos hunting lodge,where he forces himself on her.Arturo is shot by a Stranger and Elsie confesses all to her forgiving husband.Juan Serafin is found shot.
Mrs. McCullough
Twenty-One is a 1923 American silent drama film directed by John S. Robertson and starring Richard Barthelmess, Dorothy Mackaill and Joe King.
Lucy Hodge
After losing money she embezzled, a socialite borrows cash from a foreign "prince" who expects sexual favors in return.
Elena Vincent
Tim Goodwin and his wife Corrie are living in poverty when Tim's oil well strikes it rich. He soon works his way to the top of the social scale, but Corrie doesn't change at all--she stays a dour, drab woman with no social skills whatsoever. Tim gets so embarrassed by her that he hires a "social secretary" for her to teach her how to function in the social strata in which they find themselves.
Eleanor Bellington
Society-girl thrillseeker Lydia's fun comes to an end when she accidentally causes the death of motorcycle policeman.
Princess Sabina
A fairly conventional romance of an American heiress, loved by boy back home, bedazzled by a glamorous prince in beautiful Italian surroundings.
Jessica Ramsey
Two men in love with the same woman are further complicated by the arrival of a second woman.
Isabelle Lenwright
Silent film comedy drama..
Lady Cray
A girl raised isolated from society in the South Seas falls in love with a visiting sculptor.
Queen Brangomar, Snow White's Stepmother
Snow White, a beautiful girl, is despised by a wicked queen who tries to destroy her. With the aid of dwarfs in the woods, Snow White overcomes the queen.