Mircea Stoian

Mircea Stoian

Nascimento : 1954-08-07, Ocna Mureș, Alba, Romania


Mircea Stoian


Cães de Guerra
Albanian General
Após uma experiência mal sucedida em fazer negócios com o governo, dois amigos moradores de Miami Beach, que levam uma vida tranquila e que só queriam dinheiro para sustentar seu vício em maconha, descobrem que existe um mercado ilícito em expansão com a venda de armas para o exterior. Ao fechar um contrato de 300 milhões de dólares, eles terão de ir para o Afeganistão acompanhar a explosiva transação pessoalmente.
Three Looney Brothers
Based on a Romanian folk story this is the modern interpretation of the story, set in modern Bucharest. Three brothers recently moved to the City. The elder brother and the sister shortly find their place in society but their younger brother seems to find hard to integrate, therefore the other two decide to help. Only that Bizo falls in love with the Gypsy King's daughter and decides to ask for her hand. The Father tries to trick him by putting him through three challenges, each one to demonstrate that he has all that it takes to be a proud gypsy: Dexterity, Guts and Money. Written by T.H.N.
Pumpkinhead: De Volta das Cinzas
Agent Bensen
Quando os moradores de um pequeno vilarejo do sul descobrem que o médico da cidade tem vendido os órgãos de seus entes queridos e jogado os corpos em um pântano, eles pedem para a velha feiticeira, Haggis, invocar a fúria do demônio conhecido como Pumpkinhead e vingar os parentes profanados.
Death and spiritual torment stalk three American students visiting the Carpathian mountain homeland of Vlad Tepes.
Break of Dawn
Plainclother Officer
An ex-con suffering from terminal cancer and a suicidal ex-legionnaire are hired to participate in a staged assassination attempt on a Romanian politician. As part of the plan, the two must themselves be murdered in order to make their target appear more powerful. But while their circumstances make them perfect fall guys, their lives are initially spared when the attack descends into chaos. Staying alive thereafter involves the two strangers working together to dodge both fellow conspirators and the police.
The Wackos
Raider 2
When his credit card has just been swallowed by distributor Bruno Lussac, State Inspector Débé crosses the limits of home ethics when he learns that he has just been banned from banking. Disguised as a Southerner for a costume party where he was supposed to arrest drug dealers, he lures his colleagues into robbing a bank; he causes a bloodbath but comes out victorious of this heist. For his accomplices, the informant, and pretty peacekeeper Cécile Barko, known as Cyborg, this is the start of a crazy run.
Civilian #2
Kurt Gerstein (Ulrich Tukur) é um oficial do Terceiro Reich que trabalhou na elaboração do Zyklon B, gás mortífero originalmente desenvolvido para a matança de animais mas usado para exterminar milhares de judeus durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial. Gerstein se revolta com o que testemunha e tenta informar os aliados sobre as atrocidades nos campos de concentração. Católico, busca chamar a atenção do Vaticano, mas suas denúncias são ignoradas pelo alto clero. Apenas um jovem jesuíta lhe dá ouvidos e o ajuda a organizar uma campanha para que o Papa (Marcel Iures) quebre o silêncio e se manifeste contra as violências ocorridas em nome de uma suposta supremacia racial.
Príncipe das Trevas - A Verdadeira História de Drácula
Bald Noble
Filmado nas históricas locações da Transilvania, este filme com espetaculares cenas de combates nos apresenta a verdadeira história de Vlad Dracula (Rudolf Martin), filho do Príncipe Vlad que através da famosa obra de Bram Stoker, ficou conhecido como Drácula, um vampiro condenado a viver nas trevas e à vida eterna, que temia espelhos e abominava relegiões. Vlad foi guerreiro que lutava para trazer a paz e a justiça a sua conturbada terra natal onde reinava a superstição e o medo. Alguns o viam como herói, outros como um monstro, o próprio anti-cristo. Fazendo justiça com as próprias mãos, ele matava brutalmente seus inimigos enquanto Lidia (Jane March), seu grande amor, era assombrada pelos gritos das pessoas por ele assassinadas. Esta é uma história assustadora de sangue, terror, justiça e amor eterno, a verdadeira história.
Depicts Romania during World War II, focusing on the Royal Coup that toppled Ion Antonescu, the Axis-allied Conducător and authoritarian Prime Minister. Focused around the August 23rd 1944 coup against Marshal Antonescu, the movie also tackles other topics from the same era such as the Iron Guard rebellion and the execution of political leaders by communists.
The Toothless War
An old man and an old woman each have a girl. Influenced by old woaman, the old man compared to banish their home, and it goes in the world. Because of its virtues, she will gain from Holy Friday a box full of riches. Jealous, old woman's daughter and she is looking to get a gift from the Holy Friday, but because of its flaws will only get out of trouble.
The Season of Love
The action of the movie take place in a factory and presents the conflicts between one engineer and some young workers.
Niște băieți grozavi
Mechanic II
A farm team-leader, Tudor, is accused for having failed the harvesting. Unhappy with what he considers an unfair verdict, he leaves the farm and moves to another village, getting a job as an ordinary worker in another farm. At first, he is upset by the very severe leader of that team, Mihai, but soon he discovers that his hard style is necessary to keep the work in good order and face all the problems. He also finds a bunch of great friends (the "Swell Guys" / "...baieti grozavi" in the title) and learns in what had consisted his own past mistakes. —Mihnea Columbeanu
A Smile Of The Sun
Several students spend their last days of high school in a cheerful and musical atmosphere. Petrica and 'Sunny Smile', who has become a fairy tale princess in the meantime, find their way back to each other, from the real world to the dream one and the other way around, in order to meet their love halfway between the two realms.
Un oaspete la cină
A love story between a worker and an architecture student from a well to do family that has to overcome prejudice.
Three sisters that had a tranquil life in a town suffer dramatic life changes at the end of WW2.
The Man We Need
Gigel Mutu
A concrete expert is torn between his family, who wants to settle in a city, and his work, which requires constant relocating.