Ralph Barnes
A extraordinária história não contada de Gareth Jones, um ambicioso e jovem jornalista galês que viajou para a União Soviética em 1933 e descobriu a chocante verdade por trás da “utopia” soviética e do regime de Josef Stalin.
The "Polish Poster School" is as widely known around the world as the Polish Film School. Beginning with the post-World War II era, the poster became a key tool for popular communication. In Communist times, the poster also offered colorful accents to an otherwise overwhelmingly gray public space. Ironically, during the 1950s, '60s and '70s (when several Polish graphic designers rose to worldwide prominence), the advertising of films was not a necessity. A frustrated and hopeless populace regularly relied on cinema for escape. It was in that time of massive unrest that artists like Julian Pałka, Jan Lenica, Roman Cieślewicz and Henryk Tomaszewski created the most expressive and unique images of the form. Marcin Latałło's lauded documentary film is a double-layered construction, telling both the story of the movement and, in parallel, following the footsteps of Ania, a young designer who faces an extremely tricky challenge: she must create a poster for the film itself.
Marcin Latałło's acclaimed 1996 film about his father, the lead actor in Illumination, Stanislaw Latałło.
Marcin Latałło's acclaimed 1996 film about his father, the lead actor in Illumination, Stanislaw Latałło.
Salomon Perel (Marco Hofschneider), um jovem judeu, foge com a família para a Polônia às vésperas da Segunda Guerra Mundial. A casa da família é invadida, mas ele consegue fugir levando o irmão, Isaak (René Hofschneider). Os dois se separam e Sallomon acaba se passando por membro da Juventude Hitlerista para manter-se vivo. Baseado numa história real.