Claudia Spoden


A Matter of Life and Death: History of Hygiene
Hygienic habits are as old as the various human civilizations; but each era establishes its own customs: whether private or public, everywhere and at all times, methods of personal cleanliness have depended on cultural conventions, religious morals, political ideologies and economic interests; because the control of basic hygiene has also been and is one more tool in the infinite exercise of power over the masses.
A Matter of Life and Death: History of Hygiene
Hygienic habits are as old as the various human civilizations; but each era establishes its own customs: whether private or public, everywhere and at all times, methods of personal cleanliness have depended on cultural conventions, religious morals, political ideologies and economic interests; because the control of basic hygiene has also been and is one more tool in the infinite exercise of power over the masses.
A Matter of Life and Death: History of Hygiene
Hygienic habits are as old as the various human civilizations; but each era establishes its own customs: whether private or public, everywhere and at all times, methods of personal cleanliness have depended on cultural conventions, religious morals, political ideologies and economic interests; because the control of basic hygiene has also been and is one more tool in the infinite exercise of power over the masses.
Poland 1939: When German Soldiers Became War Criminals
September 1st, 1939. Nazi Germany invades Poland. The campaign is fast, cruel and ruthless. In these circumstances, how is it that ordinary German soldiers suddenly became vicious killers, terrorizing the local population? Did everyone turn into something worse than wild animals? The true story of the first World War II offensive that marks in the history of infamy the beginning of a carnage and a historical tragedy.
Die Macht und ihr Preis – Die Akte VW
Osmanen Germania OGBC - Rockers oder Boxclub?
They are considered the fastest growing rocker-like association in Germany. According to own data the "Ottoman Germania" already have more than 2000 members.They are happy to expose their brutal and arbitrary ideals. They attract a lot of young immigrant men. They have close relations with the AK parti in Turkey. They chant; son kan damlasına, to the last drop of blood.
Paulus: Gefährliche Mission
Mythos Byzanz
Vier Minuten Deutscher Meister
It is May 19th, 2001, the last gameday of the 2000/2001 Bundesliga season. A day which will go down in Bundesliga history as the most dramatic final. Ten years later, film director Judith Völker conducts her search for traces. She talks with players and decisionmakers, with celebrities and fans. Out of these memories, a moving review of the event, which is unforgettable (not only) for Schalke souls, is made.