Jack Wright Jr.


Lovin' Molly
Property Master
Spanning nearly 40 years from 1925 to 1964, two Texas farm boys; straight-arrow Gid and laid-back Johnny fight over the affections of the beautiful and headstrong Molly Taylor, who consistently refuses to marry either of them.
O Grupo
Set Decoration
It's 1933, and eight young women are friends and members of the upper- class group at a private girl's school, about to graduate and start their own lives. The film documents the years between their graduation and the beginning of the World War in Europe, and shows, in a serialized style, their romances and marriages, their searches for careers or meaning in their lives, their highs and their lows.
Carol for Another Christmas
Set Decoration
Daniel Grudge, a wealthy industrialist and fierce isolationist long embittered by the loss of his son in World War II, is visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve who lead him to reconsider his attitude toward his fellow man.
Papai Noel Conquista os Marcianos
Property Master
Martians fear their children have become lazy and joyless due to their newfound obsession with Earth TV shows. After ancient Martian leader Chochem suggests that the children of Mars need more fun—including their own Santa Claus—supreme leader Lord Kimar assembles an expedition to Earth. Once there, they kidnap two children who lead them to the North Pole, then capture the real Santa Claus, taking all three back to Mars in an attempt to bring the Martian children happiness.
Quando a Vida é Cruel
Set Decoration
Uma jovem vítima de estupro tenta desesperadamente juntar os pedaços de sua vida, apenas para depois se ver à mercê de um pretenso salvador. Mary Ann Robinson, uma jovem mulher morando no Bronx, Nova York, com sua mãe neurótica e dominadora e seu gentil mas ineficaz padrasto, é estuprada enquanto caminhava para casa uma noite. Guardando o ataque para si mesma, Mary Ann foge, procurando perder-se em Manhattan, alugando um apartamento miserável e tendo um emprego em uma loja de produtos de dez centavos. Abatida pela hostilidade das pessoas e seu próprio desespero, Mary Ann tenta pular da Ponte de Manhattan, apenas para ser impedida por Mike, um mecânico de garagem que a leva para seu modesto apartamento num porão próximo. No início apreciou a bondade de Mike, mas Mary Ann fica aterrorizada quando ele se recusa a deixá-la ir. Mike é realmente o salvador de Mary Ann - ou ele é apenas outro estuprador?
Assassinato S.A.
Property Master
Chronicles the rise and fall of the organised crime syndicate known as Murder, Incorporated, focusing on powerful boss Lepke and violent hit man Reles.
Middle of the Night
Set Decoration
Jerry Kingsley is a wealthy garment manufacturer left lonely in his 60s when his wife dies. Despite the difference in their ages, he strikes up a romance with divorced 24-year-old receptionist Betty. The relationship is dismissed by his daughter, Lillian, discouraged by his sister, Evelyn, and denounced by Betty's mother. But when Jerry begins to mention marriage, even Betty is forced to confront her ambivalence.