Stunt Coordinator
Ele é um solteirão baixinho, mas seu ego é enorme. Duas mulheres bem diferentes vão mostrar a esse cara o verdadeiro sentido da vida. Será que ele está disposto a mudar?
Stunt Coordinator
Mr. Sekhri is the Indian Ambassador in Russia, and his Chief Assistant is Mr. Negi. Sekhri is widowed with a son named Aditya, while Negi is married and has brought his wife, Anjali, and two daughters, Lucky and Dhara, with him to Russia. One day while going to school, Lucky's bicycle has a flat tire...
Em 1942, o jovem Traudl Junge tem o que parece ser a melhor profissão do mundo: ele é secretário de Hitler. Três anos depois, o império se resume a um abrigo subterrâneo e, de lá, Traudl narra os últimos dias da vida de do ditador.
Desk Sergeant
When police are puzzled by several horrific murders, they assume they have a serial killer on their hands. But soon they realise that the unimaginable has happened. A killing machine from another world has arrived on Earth determined to brutally execute human beings. Finding themselves out of their depth they are forced to rely on a mysterious alien hunter that has volunteered his help.
Two colleagues go to fetch the body of their co-worker from a neighboring town where that man died unexpectedly. As this person has no kin, the director of the factory chooses to send Markerants and Mityagin to deal with the whole business. And here the adventures begin...
The Chimp is the nickname of a teenage boy (with large ears) who lives in the small town of Balyktchy, Kirghizstan, a former part of the USSR in central Asia. His family is being torn apart by his dad's alcoholism, his emotions are being torn as he sees his friends pair off into couples, and his job working on the railtracks is uninspiring.
O ex-agente secreto britânico Harry Palmer agora dirige uma empresa de investigação privada na Rússia. Ele consegue um emprego para localizar e recuperar uma carga de plutônio roubado e, com a ajuda do colega Nikolai Petrov, parte para São Petersburgo para tentar encontrá-la. Ao longo do caminho, ele deve lidar com a violenta máfia russa e também encontrar a namorada de Nikolai, Tatiana, que foi sequestrada. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Stunt Coordinator
O ex-agente secreto britânico Harry Palmer agora dirige uma empresa de investigação privada na Rússia. Ele consegue um emprego para localizar e recuperar uma carga de plutônio roubado e, com a ajuda do colega Nikolai Petrov, parte para São Petersburgo para tentar encontrá-la. Ao longo do caminho, ele deve lidar com a violenta máfia russa e também encontrar a namorada de Nikolai, Tatiana, que foi sequestrada. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Stunt Coordinator
Lithuania, 1968. After serving in the Soviet Army, Lukas comes back from Prague to his friends: Andrius, a state prosecutor's son, Julius, an unsuccessful artist, and Beatrice, who is attractive to all of her friends in her purity.
Drawing heavily from Arkady and Boris Strugatsky's 1971 novella 'Piknik na obochine' ('Roadside Picnic') as well as Andrei Tarkovsky's 1979 film adaptation ('Stalker'), 'Tretya planeta' tells the story of a father seeking a cure for his ill daughter by venturing into an area known only as "The Zone" to request help from the mysterious healers that dwell within its forbidden borders.