Sophia Stewart


Fries! The Movie
Associate Producer
No other food bridges borders, languages, and tastes more than the humble but delicious fried potato. From three-Michelin-star kitchens in Paris to the street carts of Hong Kong, you can always find a savory fry. Taking the audience on a joyous and mouth-watering journey around the world, best-selling authors Malcolm Gladwell and Chrissy Teigen join an international cast of characters to better understand the globe's obsession with the french fry.
Indiana Jones e o Reino da Caveira de Cristal
Malt Shop Teen
Durante a Guerra Fria, Indiana Jones e o jovem Mutt buscam a Caveira de Cristal, um objeto místico de grande valor, mas logo percebem que não estão sozinhos. Soviéticos liderados pela cruel Irina Spalko também querem o objeto para tentar dominar o mundo através dele.