Jean-Pierre Delamour


Esmeralda Bay
A priest secretly leads rebels in their struggle against the corrupt military dictatorship of the Central American country of Puerto Santo.
Atenção à Direita
Jean-Luc Godard escreveu, dirigiu e estrelou nesta comédia excêntrica. Ele aparece como um cineasta desastrado que deixa cair os tubos de filme enquanto se apressa para uma exibição, e ele e outros embarcam em um avião guiado por um piloto que está lendo um livro de autoajuda sobre suicídio.
The real duration of the film is barely one second. The time that an idea takes to be born in our mind. The time that a fleeting hallucination lasts. This hallucination is that of Neanderthal man who thinks he sees, at the moment his mate was giving birth, a baby from the modern world, erasing for a fleeting second the slow evolution of the species. Immediately after, the mind of the primitive man goes on a imaginary time travel trip that takes him to... 1960. The father tries to get in touch with his son, reincarnated as a 40-year old man, an ordinary man... or almost.
Viol, la grande peur
L'homme à la décapotable
A newspaper editor wants to sell more newspapers using sex crimes as a way to attract more readers.
A Virgin for St. Tropez
Annie, a beautiful young woman, lives in Saint-Tropez, France. On a trip to the seaside resort, the American writer Mark Redley meets the girl and is enchanted by her. He writes books on female behavior and freedom. He invites her to accompany him on a trip to Rio de Janeiro. Annie accepts and falls in love with the Brazilian city. However, she is still a girl traumatized by sexual abuse suffered in her childhood.
A Whale That Had a Toothache
Un invité
Bernardette is feeling bored in a country house. She decides to send weekend invitations to a lot of people.
Saint-Just and the Force of Things
Philippe Lebas
Antoine Saint-Just, comrade of Robespierre and youngest member of the Committee of Public Safety, is drawn into the tempestuous political & military conflicts of France under the Terror.
Le voyage d'Amélie
In this gentle comedy, a disaffected group of young people bungle their first hold-up when the old lady they choose to rob turns out to be even poorer than they are. Not only that, but her husband has died, and she needs to get his body back to his hometown for burial and she is getting no help from the state. The would-be robbers good-naturedly agree to help her, and have a series of odd adventures involving the old lady, the corpse, and themselves. Eventually, the old lady dies as well, and they are really in a pickle.
In Memoriam Alfons Vranckx
The last film prohibited by Francisco Franco. Jean-Marie Buchet plays the role of a collector of used tampons in this avant-garde comedy-adventure film.
Bunch of Assholes!
An actor on screen insults the audience. How will spectators react?