Keith Kraft


Legend of the Red Reaper
For a thousand years, the Reapers guarded mankind from the demons that wait in the dark. Now, at the beginning of a new age, the Reapers are betrayed and slaughtered. Only one Reaper remains - Red, and she's out to exact revenge.
A new, experimental dream-melding drug called 'Wonderland' hits the streets, granting its users the ability to place their consciousness into the bodies of other people. Soon, a serial killer begins to use the drug as a way to live and die as other people by forcing his victims to kill themselves. A detective on the case begins to unravel the killer's methods and motivations, while the latest would-be victims fight back against the powerful mind altering drug from within their dreams.
A new, experimental dream-melding drug called 'Wonderland' hits the streets, granting its users the ability to place their consciousness into the bodies of other people. Soon, a serial killer begins to use the drug as a way to live and die as other people by forcing his victims to kill themselves. A detective on the case begins to unravel the killer's methods and motivations, while the latest would-be victims fight back against the powerful mind altering drug from within their dreams.
A new, experimental dream-melding drug called 'Wonderland' hits the streets, granting its users the ability to place their consciousness into the bodies of other people. Soon, a serial killer begins to use the drug as a way to live and die as other people by forcing his victims to kill themselves. A detective on the case begins to unravel the killer's methods and motivations, while the latest would-be victims fight back against the powerful mind altering drug from within their dreams.
Uma Prova de Amor
Paramedic (uncredited)
Sara (Cameron Diaz) e Brian Fitzgerald (Jason Patric) são informados que Kate (Sofia Vassilieva), sua filha, tem leucemia e possui poucos anos de vida. O médico sugere aos pais que tentem um procedimento médico ortodoxo, gerando um filho de proveta que seja um doador compatível com Kate. Disposto a tudo para salvar a filha, eles aceitam a proposta. Assim nasce Anna (Abigail Breslin), que logo ao nascer doa sangue de seu cordão umbilical para a irmã. Anos depois, os médicos decidem fazer um transplante de medula de Anna para Kate. Ao atingir 11 anos, Anna precisa doar um rim para a irmã. Cansada dos procedimentos médicos aos quais é submetida, ela decide enfrentar os pais e lutar na justiça por emancipação médica, de forma a que tenha direito a decidir o que fazer com seu corpo. Para defendê-la ela contrata Campbell Alexander (Alec Baldwin), um advogado que cuidará de seus interesses.
A Lenda de Beowulf
Additional Adult Performer (uncredited)
Em uma época de heróis, um cavaleiro chamado Beowulf chega à corte do Rei Hrothgar e oferece para combater um demônio chamado Grendel. Ele combate a fera com sucesso, mas terá que enfrentar também a ira da mãe de Grendel, uma criatura má e vingativa, porém sedutora.