Julie Le Breton

Julie Le Breton

Nascimento : 1975-01-01, Arvida, Quebec, Canada


Julie Le Breton
Julie Le Breton


L'Ouragan F.Y.T.
Você Vai Lembrar Meu Nome
Edouard é um professor de história aposentado que começa a perder a memória. Como ninguém ao seu redor pode vigiá-lo, ele é colocado aos cuidados de Berenice, uma jovem rebelde e sem perspectiva de futuro. O encontro entre eles cria uma amizade inesperada que levará Edouard a revisitar um trauma que ele escolheu esquecer e Berenice a encontrar sentido em sua vida.
Goodbye Happiness
To commemorate the passing of their beloved father, four brothers very much at odds congregate for one final week at their summer house in the Magdalen Islands. As they bid their final goodbyes, the four brothers revisit their past joys and hardships as each one of them struggles to give meaning to their very different lives.
When Love Digs a Hole
Montreal, June 1995. Miron is a young delinquent who parties instead of going to school. His parents, both university professors, force him to move to the countryside in the hope that the remoteness of the city's distractions would allow him to concentrate and eventually succeed in high school. After a week at the cottage, Miron meets Florence, a 73-year-old neighbor. It's love at first sight between the two. Strongly in disagreement with this romance, Miron's parents forbid her to see her beloved 56 years older. But Miron, determined to live this love story to the end, will make every effort to see Florence again.
Father and Guns 2
Pascale Lévesque
A few years after they infiltrated a therapy program for fathers and sons, Marc Laroche is having some issues with his girlfriend Alice and Jacques is experiencing intense denial towards the fact that he is growing older. An incredible opportunity arises when Martin Germain, the lieutenant of the Mafia’s leader, and his girlfriend sign up for a bootcamp for couples. As Marc and Alice sign up for the therapy, Jacques invites himself in by pretending to be the psychologist's assistant.
Chasse-Galerie : La Légende
Florence Langevin
In 1863, a group of snow-bound travelers invokes the devil, who gives them a flying canoe for them to go home. When one of them finds his wife about to die in labor, he makes a pact with the devil to save her and his newborn daughter Liza. He then cheats the devil of his prize by sacrificing himself. 25 years later, Liza wants to marry her beloved Jos, who has to go away to a remote logging camp to earn money to save his farm, but the devil is determined to ruin her happiness.
Paul à Québec
Paul à Québec is quite simply about life, at its happiest and at its most challenging. Paul and his in-laws offer us a window onto the everyday life of the Beaulieu family, but we also witness the decline of his father-in-law, Roland. Paul à Québec is a hymn to life that reminds us, among other things, of the beauty of those small moments when, in spite of the farewells, life shows us how important it is to savour every instant.
Tokyo Fiancée
A Japanophile young Belgian woman in Tokyo falls into a whirlwind romance with a Francophile Japanese student, in this charming and tender tale of young love and cultural discovery.
Real Lies
Rachel Duguay
Marco Valois wants to direct a serious movie inspired by the life of a soldier living with post-traumatic stress disorder. He soon realizes that the young soldier home from Afghanistan won't open up that easily. Marco, willing to do just about anything to get his story, follows Éric Lebel to his hometown.
Uma Boa Mentira
Doris Francis
Entre uma série de histórias contadas ao redor de uma fogueira, Uma Boa Mentira narra a história de Cullen, um jovem estudante universitário. Após a súbita morte de sua mãe, ele descobre que é fruto de um estupro violento que deixou sua jovem mãe em estado crítico e o agressor – um criminoso de longa data chamado Rose – na cadeia. Cullen vai à prisão para confrontar Rose, mas é surpreendido ao saber que este fora solto no ano anterior. Cullen decide buscar seu sinistro pai biológico e descobre que às vezes a verdade é mais bizarra do que qualquer lorota contada ao redor de uma fogueira…
Pee-Wee: O Inverno que Mudou Minha Vida
Janeau's Mother
Após a morte da mãe, Janeau vai morar em outra cidade e entra para um time de hóquei. O talento do menino de 12 anos provoca ciúme nos outros jogadores, mas sua amizade com a goleira da equipe ajuda Janeau a se preparar para um importante campeonato.
The Apartment
A young woman is doing construction work in her apartment. She is interrupted by the arrival of her sister. They are late for an event.
Le Bonheur Des Autres
Twenty years before the events in the film's story, Jean-Pierre left his wife, Louise. At that moment, Marion and Sylvie, Jean-Pierre's two children, were respectively 10 and 8 years old. Eventually, Jean-Pierre will come back to his family and he believes that his past mistakes were forgotten.
Meus 533 Filhos
Quando sua namorada Valerie anuncia que está gravida, um preguiçoso de quarentão recebe tambem outras notícias que mudam a vida: 142 pessoas, todas nascidas de inseminação artificial, entraram com uma ação coletiva contra ele, seu pai biológico.
Une vie qui commence
Jim has been cheated on before, so this time, when he meets Isabelle, he wants to do everything he can to make sure it won't happen again.
Angèle Marchildon
Raymond is a jealous, misanthropic, couch potato. Angèle is a sexy TV star, childish and disillusioned. One Halloween, their mother, Solange, suddenly dies. Raymond calls his sister for the first time in 10 years. She agrees to meet him and begins to investigate their mother's death, all in keeping with her TV role of police commissioner. But nothing is simple with the Marchildons. Between a dithering Raymond, the ghost of Solange who continues to haunt her children, and Angèle who's going crazy interviewing suspects, one more bizarre than the next, and the bodies that are filling up the basement, it's hard to keep their love straight. But then, love was always a little twisted in the Marchildon household.
Le génie du crime
The Rocket: The Legend of Rocket Richard
Lucille Richard
In the late 1930s, a young machinist named Maurice Richard distinguished himself as a ice hockey player of preternatural talent. Although that was enough to get him into the Montreal Canadiens, his frequent injuries cost him the confidence of his team and the fans. In the face of these doubts, Richard eventually shows the kind of aggressive and skillful play that would make him one of the greatest players of all time as "The Rocket." However for all his success, Richard and his fellow French Canadians face constant discrimination in a league dominated by the English speaking. Although a man of few words, Richard begins to speak his own mind about the injustice which creates a organizational conflict that would culminate in his infamous 1955 season suspension that sparks an ethnic riot in protest. In the face of these challenges, Richard must decide who exactly is he playing for.
Maman Last Call
Fanny Lemay
White Skin
Isabel Lefrançois
Two roommates discover that the family of one of their girlfriends is populated with vampires.
In the Eye of the Cat
Pauline goes on trip and never returns. Did she deliberately vanish, or did she just abandon her life, or is this an invitation for someone to start searching for her? Simon, her fiancé, intends to find out... Several months after the disappearance, Simon learns of Pauline's death abroad. While cleaning out her apartment, Simon discovers that Lazare, Pauline's cat, still occupies his master's apartment. He possesses an extraordinary long-term memory... and a need for revenge!
Personal Distortion
As he prepares for his encounter with a new flame, a young man queries about how he will present himself. Suddenly, he is surrounded by embodiments of his different personality facets.
Quebec-Montreal: 250 km (150 miles) of asphalt, nine thirtysomething travelers, four cars, one destination. The journey becomes an opportunity to share points of view about life and to discuss troubling questions about our existence.
Au Hasard l'amour
Two hours after breaking up with his girlfriend, Cedrik meets Karine in a nightclub. Man drinks, wants woman. Woman drinks, accepts man. After a night of passion, Cedrik is horrified to discover himself mysteriously switched inside Karine's body, while Karine inhabits his. Is it their chance to finally discover the secrets of the sexes? Is this body switch temporary?