Carl-Henning (Jasper Klein) is a young man working as an apprentice on a dairy farm in the Danish marshland. When he isn't working, he tinkers on a disabled car and dreams of a young girl who is a local student. After a few too many beers one night, he steals some money from the till at work. He is caught by the foreman, who beats the young man. Carl-Henning defends himself and knocks the man down a flight of stairs. Convinced he has murdered the man, Carl runs away and joins up with a traveling carnival. Although the foreman has only a slight bump on the head and all is forgiven, Carl never receives word he is welcome to return and begins a series of adventures that take him far beyond the farm.
Lars, røgter
Ellekjærs fremtid ligger Ann-Marie på sinde. Hun forsøge at få sin adoptivdatter, Grete, gift med Erik von der Rude, men Grete elsker forkarlen Jørgen. De beslutter sig for at gifte sig, hvorefter Annemarie slår hånden af Grete. Ann-Marie anden datter, Elin, er dog forelsket i Erik. Eriks fortid fra København indhenter ham dog, og Elin flytter ind hos sin søster. Derefter går filmen gennem en række forviklinger, før endelig Elin og Erik kan blive gift, og Ann-Marie forenes med sine døtre igen.
Copenhagen around the turn of the century - December 29th, 1899. Great merchant and shipowner Jacob Friis is one of Copenhagen's richest men. His home is the gathering place for family and friends. Since his wife's dead 10 years earlier, he shares sense of family and business acumen with his three daughters. Jacob wants to find a nobleman for his daughter Emily. Baron Claes is a very charming gentleman, but also a great womanizer...
Salgschef Lund øjner muligheden for at blive underdirektør i det babyudstyrsfirma, han arbejder i. Uheldigvis har han hverken kone eller baby. Det er ellers kvalifikationer, som både chefen og en konkurrerende kollega finder helt nødvendige. Lund lader derfor som om, han har været gift længe. Den lille nødløgn får imidlertid uoverskuelige konsekvenser, da chefen inviterer Lund og frue til middag. Lund må på jagt efter en kone til låns og så griber forviklingerne om sig i et rasende tempo.