Lars Green


Lars Green is an actor.


Guerra nas Estrelas: O Retorno de Jedi
O imperador está supervisionando a construção de uma nova Estrela da Morte. Enquanto isso Luke Skywalker liberta Han Solo e a Princesa Leia das mãos de Jaba. Luke só se tornará um cavaleiro jedi quando destruir Darth Vader, que ainda pretende atraí-lo para o lado sombrio da Força.
Young man
Scrutinizes the sexual morals and class ideology of its day through a series of encounters between pairs of characters, shown before or after a sexual encounter. A prostitute is cheated out of her money by a drug-dealer, in the next scene the dealer seduces a maid, who in turn is hit by the son of her employer, and so on, until an actress engages in a little hanky-panky with the count, who - and this is where the circle joins - in a final scene ends up at the prostitute's apartment.