Mike Ritz


Songs of War: Music as a Weapon
Former Interrogator, US Army
Music elates, touches the soul and bypasses reason. Music is magic. But precisely this magic can turn it into an insidious weapon for music and violence belong together. The brutal power of African war dances, the ferocity of Maori Hakas, the earth-shattering roar of US sound guns blasting Metallica at Taliban hideouts the principle is always the same: Aggressive sounds demoralise the enemy and whip the allies into a frenzy. In Songs of War, director Tristan Chytroschek explores the extraordinary harmony between music and violence. Sesame Street composer, Christopher Cerf, always wanted his music to be fun and entertaining. But then he learned that his songs had been used to torture prisoners in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. He is stunned by this abuse of his work and wants to find out how this could happen.
O Jogo da Paixão
Golf Channel Announcer #2
Roy McAvoy é um extraordinário jogador de golfe que teria tido uma vida profissional e particular muito boa se fizesse aquilo que a lógica manda. Mas como nunca soube controlar seus instintos vive em um pequeno lugarejo no Texas, dando aulas de golfe por uns trocados. Sua vida começa a mudar quando conhece uma psicóloga que está namorando seu antigo rival e acaba se apaixonado por ela. Após uma certa resistência por parte dela Roy acaba sendo correspondido, mas para conquistar realmente sua admiração decide participar do mais importante torneio de golfe do mundo: o U.S. Open.