Kepa Amuchastegui

Kepa Amuchastegui


Kepa Amuchastegui


Rebel Pope
Pope Francis
Antes de ser Papa Francisco, Jorge Bergoglio era um rapaz normal de Buenos Aires. Sua mãe queria que ele buscasse a medicina, mas Jorge tentava encontrar o propósito que Deus lhe deu.
At the End of the Spectra
After a traumatic situation that makes Vega become an agoraphobic person, she decides to live like a hermit in an apartment because of her father's recommendation. But some strange things start happening, she sees visions, and hears noises and voices. She starts to worry about the dark past of that apartment, and the bizarre obsession of her neighbor.
A Matter of Honour
The teacher and the butcher of a small town in the tropical Andes, are both in love with the same woman (Miriam). They decide to duel for her. Everyone in town catch the notice, except of course for Miriam. The Mayor then decides to manipulate the event to make it political.