Aaron Brookner


Doc Announcer
Nos arredores de Londres, o casal português Bela e Jota e seus três filhos lutam para sobreviver. Quando surge um mal-entendido na escola com a sua filha surda, os Serviços Sociais britânicos preocupam-se com a segurança das crianças e inicia-se uma incansável batalha destes pais imigrantes contra a lei para manter a família unida.
Nos arredores de Londres, o casal português Bela e Jota e seus três filhos lutam para sobreviver. Quando surge um mal-entendido na escola com a sua filha surda, os Serviços Sociais britânicos preocupam-se com a segurança das crianças e inicia-se uma incansável batalha destes pais imigrantes contra a lei para manter a família unida.
Nos arredores de Londres, o casal português Bela e Jota e seus três filhos lutam para sobreviver. Quando surge um mal-entendido na escola com a sua filha surda, os Serviços Sociais britânicos preocupam-se com a segurança das crianças e inicia-se uma incansável batalha destes pais imigrantes contra a lei para manter a família unida.
Uncle Howard
When Howard Brookner lost his life to AIDS in 1989, the 35-year-old director had completed two feature documentaries and was in post-production on his narrative debut, Bloodhounds of Broadway. Twenty-five years later, his nephew, Aaron, sets out on a quest to find the lost negative of Burroughs: The Movie, his uncle's critically-acclaimed portrait of legendary author William S. Burroughs. When Aaron uncovers Howard's extensive archive in Burroughs’ bunker, it not only revives the film for a new generation, but also opens a vibrant window on New York City’s creative culture from the 1970s and ‘80s, and inspires a wide-ranging exploration of his beloved uncle's legacy.
Uncle Howard
When Howard Brookner lost his life to AIDS in 1989, the 35-year-old director had completed two feature documentaries and was in post-production on his narrative debut, Bloodhounds of Broadway. Twenty-five years later, his nephew, Aaron, sets out on a quest to find the lost negative of Burroughs: The Movie, his uncle's critically-acclaimed portrait of legendary author William S. Burroughs. When Aaron uncovers Howard's extensive archive in Burroughs’ bunker, it not only revives the film for a new generation, but also opens a vibrant window on New York City’s creative culture from the 1970s and ‘80s, and inspires a wide-ranging exploration of his beloved uncle's legacy.
The Silver Goat
A story about Lydia Brass, actress and daughter of world-renowned playwright, Sir Rowland Brass, who has decided to leave the acting world behind until she develops a relationship with an ambitious American playwright living in London.