

Nascimento : 1954-07-07, Heze, Shandong, China




Terra à Deriva 2
Os humanos construíram enormes motores na superfície da terra para encontrar um novo lar. Mas a estrada para o universo é perigosa. Para salvar a Terra, os jovens mais uma vez precisam dar um passo à frente para iniciar uma corrida contra o tempo pela vida ou pela morte.
Home Coming
Lu Yisong
Two members of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs are tasked with the evacuation of Chinese citizens when war breaks out in Numia, North Africa.
My Country, My Parents
Actress Zhang Ziyi, actor-and-director Wu Jing, comedian Shen Teng, and actor-and-director Xu Zheng come together to direct four short films as part of a new anthology drama paying tribute to China’s families.
Day Is Done
A commercial commissioned by FIRST film festival and LEXUS company. Sort of sequel to Zhang Dalei's The Summer Is Gone.
The Secret of China
Lu Xun
Love Education
When Huiying hears that her mother's dying wish is to be buried next to her husband, she discovers that his remains are in the countryside and cared for by his first wife. A conflict ensues, and Huiying's daughter, an intrepid reporter, breaks the story as the three women search for proof of love.
The Woman Behind the Man
Gan Zuchang
The year is 1957. An army general's wife gives up the conveniences of an urban existence to follow her husband, Gan Zuchang, to his native place-an impoverished village in East China's Jiangxi province. The couple begin life afresh there as farmers and aid the impoverished villagers.
O Monge Desce a Montanha
Master Luo Yin
Quando um jovem monge é forçado a deixar seu mosteiro empobrecido, ele se baseia em suas extraordinárias habilidades em artes marciais para sobreviver no mundo exterior. Em busca de um mentor, ele cruza o caminho de um mestre de Kung Fu que está na posse do Livro dos Segredos, o que revela a arte perdida da técnica mortal Ape greve Kung Fu. O livro raro é cobiçado por um pai sinistro e filho que vai para todos os extremos para obtê-lo. O monge encontra-se imerso em uma batalha mortal para proteger tanto o livro e seu mestre.
CCTV Spring Festival Gala 2014
Back to 1942
Li Peiji
In 1942, Henan Province was devastated by the most tragic famine in modern Chinese history, resulting in the deaths of at least three million men, women and children. Although the primary cause of the famine was a severe drought, it was exacerbated by locusts, windstorms, earthquakes, epidemic disease and the corruption of the ruling Kuomintang government.
Beginning of the Great Revival
Yang Changji
A chronicle of the events that led to the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.
A Árvore do Amor
Village Head Zhang
Realizado em 2010, esse filme de Zhang Yimou é inspirado em livro homônimo, publicado na internet em 2007. A história se passa durante a Revolução cultural na China. Uma jovem estudante é enviada para o campo para reeducação. Chegando lá, ela conhece um jovem que trabalha na área de geologia na região. Aos poucos, eles se apaixonam. Ela é de familia pobre (o pai foi preso acusado de ser burguês), e ele de familia proeminente (a mãe se suicidou, era a favor do capitalismo). Eles passam anos se vendo as escondidas, até que a mãe dela descobre, e diz que eles só podem se ver de novo quando ela completar 25 anos. Mas o destino traz surpresas para ambos.
O Mestre
Li Yutang
The life of Go master Wu Qingyuan from his meteoric rise as a child prodigy to fame and fortune as a revolutionary strategic thinker, as well as the tumultuous conflicts between his homeland of China and his adopted nation of Japan.
South of the Clouds
Xu Daqin, a retired Chinese factory worker, returns to the remote Yunnan province, where he hopes to reconcile himself with the life and opportunity he passed up in this place 40 years ago.
Tempos Felizes
Zhao (Zhao Bensan), aos cinqüenta e poucos anos, decidiu antecipar a aposentadoria. Além disso se deixou enganar por uma gorducha viúva, que o convenceu a se casar. Ela, por sua vez, acredita erroneamente que Zhao é o dono de um rentável hotel. Um tanto gananciosa, pede ao noivo cinqüenta mil iuanes de presente de casamento. Para conseguir o dinheiro, Zhao vai realmente tentar se virar como hoteleiro. Ajudado por seu amigo Li (Li Xuejian), eles transformam um velho ônibus numa espécie de motel ambulante. Quando Zhao conhece a contraparente Wu Ying (Dong Jie), uma jovem doce e cega que lhe pede emprego como massagista, parece que sua sorte vai mudar. Mas logo a polícia vai baixar no Happy Times Hotel.
Roaring Across the Horizon
Feng Shi
General Feng Shi and Dr. Lu Guangda return from America to lead a team of scientists and soldiers to research and develop China's own atomic bomb.
The Emperor and the Assassin
Ying Zheng
In pre-unified China, the King of Qin sends his concubine to a rival kingdom to produce an assassin for a political plot, but as the king's cruelty mounts she finds her loyalty faltering.
Keep Cool
Taxi Driver
China, the 1990s. A young bookseller is in love with a woman. The woman is now with another guy, a rich man. The rich man sends his people to beat the bookseller. In the fight, the laptop computer from a man looking at the scene gets broken. Who will pay for the computer? The bookseller wants revenge. Will it be useful? The bookseller and the laptop owner are from different ages and classes. They are two different points of view, two different Chinas. How will they fight for justice?
Life on the Edge
Operação Xangai
Uncle Liushu
Shanghai, China, 1930. When young Shuisheng arrives from the countryside, his uncle Liushu puts him at the service of Bijou, the mistress of Laoda, supreme boss of the Tang Triad, constantly threatened by his enemies, both those he knows and those lurking in the shadows.
Flying Tigers
O Sonho Azul
Uncle Li
Através do olhar de uma criança, o filme conta a história de uma família politicamente atuante na China nas décadas de 50 e 60 e mostram como foram as reformas políticas chinesas.
Family Portrait
After laying bare backward village mentalities in Bloody Morning, Li Shaohong turns her attention to China’s urban middle class. Cao is a photographer, married to an opera singer and with an infant son, caught in the usual professional morass of political compromise. His life starts to fall apart when he learns that his ex-wife also bore him a son some months after their divorce – and when the boy turns up looking for his father. Nothing wildly dramatic, just believable people in believable situations. If the ending seems a touch forced, this is nevertheless a sign that ‘Fifth Generation’ cinema is changing and coming to terms with up-to-date realities.
Jiao Yulu
Directed by Jixing Wang.
Unforgettable Life
Jiang Wenxiong
After getting an abortion at a local clinic, unwed Beijing TV anchor Lu Yun decides to focus her next special report on women's reproductive issues, working at that clinic to research her topic.
The Street Players
Based on Lao She’s novel, a story about a street player set in the wartime Chongqing.
Creation of the Gods
Ji Chang
Based on the most well-known classical fantasy novel of China, Fengshenyanyi, the trilogy is a magnificent eastern high fantasy epic that recreates the prolonged mythical wars between humans, immortals and monsters, which happened more than three thousand years ago.