It is Stanley's birthday, but the party he is given is not quite what he expects.
Powerful statement about the abuse of human rights by totalitarian governments, finds an unctuous and "civilized" interrogator humiliating the doomed members of a family who have become enemies of the state.
In the kitchen, two assassins await the arrival of their victim. But someone keeps sending them messages via the dumb waiter.
A masterly study of a middle-aged woman waking up after 30 years passed in a coma induced by sleeping sickness. In her mind she is still 16, and her attempts to fathom the changed world into which she re-emerges is not only poignant and emotionally charged but, in the end, devastatingly brilliant theatre as well.
A dysfunctional couple remember a better time.
The story of two brothers and a tramp. Harold Pinter's first major success as a dramatist.
Jan and Meg Citron are on holiday in Germany. Their car is stopped by the police. A simple traffic offence? But their seemingly innocent past is ripped open and life will never be the same again.
Michael Frayn's play about a college reunion.
Play about middle class domestic abuse.
"Whether priest or thespian, never once let yourself doubt that the role you're playing is real. Lead your little flock from childhood to the grave via God's sweet sacraments and let no doubts intrude -ever. Once you start to question - you're finished."
This neat, intense drama, labelled “a fable for television”, stars Tom Bell as the scruffy, childlike Michael Biddle, who is invited in from the cold of a suburban street by sexually frustrated, bored housewife Cynthia, played by Christine Hargreaves. He declares that he’s an angel, and Cynthia needs an angel, but in a way Michael fears...
Classics Master
A school story with a noticeable difference - the adults regress to children.
Queen Eleanor's Guard
Natal de 1183 - Um envelhecido Rei Henrique II planeja uma reunião onde ele espera escolherr seu sucessor. Ele convoca as seguintes pessoas para o Natal: suas ardilosa mas aprisionada esposa, Rainha Eleanor de Aquitânia; sua amante, a Princesa Alais, com quem ele deseja se casar; seus três filhos (Richard, Geoffrey, e João), todos os quais desejam o trono; e o jovem mas astuto Rei Filipe da França (que também é irmão de Alais). Com o destino do império de Henrique em jogo, todo mundo inicia sua própria luta de mentiras e traição para garantir sua reivindicação. Natal de 1183 - Todos os três filhos do rei Henrique II querem herdar o trono, mas ele não vai se comprometer com uma escolha. Então eles e sua ardilosa esposa tramam para forçá-lo.
When two belligerent Dominators and their robotic servant Quarks land on the peaceful planet Dulkis planning to drop a radioactive seed into the planet's core to refuel their spaceship, the Second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe must attempt to inspire the pacifist Dulcians to resist.
Based on Robert Louis Stevenson's novel.